Dit instituut is de voortzetting van onderstaande WL | Delft Hydraulics, meer
Vorige naam: WL | Delft Hydraulics, meer
Adres: P.O. Box 177
2600 MH Delft Nederland
| | Tel.: +31-(0)15-285 85 85
| |
Type: Wetenschappelijk
Deelinstituten (8) |
Top | Publicaties | Projecten | Datasets |
- Deltares; Coastal Structures and Waves, meer
- Deltares; Document Information Department, meer
- Deltares; Unit Bodem- en Grondwatersystemen (BGD), meer
- Deltares; Unit Geo-Engineering (GEO), meer
- Deltares; Unit Hydraulic Engineering (HYE), meer
- Deltares; Unit Verkenningen- en Beleidsanalyse (DELTARES-VEB), meer
- Deltares; Unit Zee- en Kustsystemen (DELTARES-ZKS), meer
- Deltares; Unit Zoetwatersystemen (ZWS), meer
Abstract: |
Op 1 januari 2008 is Nederland een onafhankelijk instituut voor toegepast onderzoek en specialistisch advies rijker.
WL | Delft Hydraulics, GeoDelft, een deel van TNO Bouw en Ondergrond vormen samen met delen van Rijkswaterstaat/DWW, RIKZ en RIZA het instituut Deltares, dat ruim 800 medewerkers telt.
Het instituut beschikt over een unieke combinatie van kennis en ervaring op het gebied van water en ondergrond. Het is toonaangevend in het ontwikkelen, verspreiden én toepassen van kennis voor de duurzame inrichting en het beheer van kwetsbare delta’s, kusten en riviergebieden.
Deltares werkt voor - en samen met - de Nederlandse overheid, provincies, waterschappen en gemeenten, internationale overheden, kennisinstellingen én marktpartijen. De vestigingsplaatsen zijn Delft en Utrecht. |
Projecten (29) |
Top | Instituten | Publicaties | Datasets |
- MOZES: onderzoek van de morfologische interactie tussen de kustnabije banken en geulen en de strandzone, meer
- BEQI: Het ontwikkelen van een software voor berekening van de BEQI index (Benthos Ecosystem Quality Index), meer
- CleanSea - Towards a clean, litter-free EU marine environment through scientific evidence, innovative tools and good governance, meer
- CONSCIENCE: Concepts and Science for Coastal Erosion Management, meer
- Deep History : revealing the palaeolandscape and archaeological potential of the southern North Sea, meer
- EMODNET BIO II: European Marine Observation and Data Network - Biology Lot II, meer
- EMODnet Bio V: European Marine Observation and Data Network- Biology V, meer
- EMODNETBIO III: European Marine Observation and Data Network- Biology III, meer
- EMODNET-CHEM II: European Marine Observation and Data Network - Chemistry Lot II, meer
- EMoSEM: Ecosystem Models as Support to Eutrophication Management in the North Atlantic Ocean, meer
- EroGRASS: Failure of Grass Cover Layers at Seaward and Shoreward Dike Slopes, meer
- Het effect van ingrepen op de slibhuishouding, meer
- JERICO S3: Joint European Research Infrastructure of Coastal Observatories: Science, Service, Sustainability, meer
- Jerico-Next: Joint European Research Infrastructure network for Coastal Observatory – Novel European eXpertise for coastal observatories, meer
- MASPNOSE: Preparatory Action on Maritime Spatial Planning in the North Sea, meer
- MEMO: Mnemiopsis ecology and modeling: Observation of an invasive comb jelly in the North Sea, meer
- MERMAID: Innovative Multi-purpose off-shore platforms: planning, Design and operation, meer
- MESMA: Monitoring and Evaluation of Spatially Managed Areas, meer
- MICRO: MicroPlastics - Is it a threat for the 2 Seas area?, meer
- O&M Zandhuishouding 2010, meer
- Ontwikkeling evaluatiemethodiek geïntegreerde systeemmonitoring, meer
- Opvolging externe effecten DGD, meer
- Paleolandschap en archeologie in de zuidelijke/centrale Noordzee (ruimere Brown Bank regio), meer
- Paleolandschaponderzoek in de zuidelijke/centrale Noordzee, meer
- PERSEUS: Policy-oriented marine Environmental Research in the Southern European Seas, meer
- SeArch: Archeologisch erfgoed in de Noordzee, meer
- SPICOSA: Science and policy integration for coastal System Assessment, meer
- SUSCOD: Sustainable Coastal Development in Practise, meer
- VECTORS: Vectors of changes in marine life, impact on economic sectors, meer
Datasets (27) |
Top | Instituten | Publicaties | Projecten |
- A. Barth, Willem Stolte, C. Troupin & Luuk van der Heijden (2020). Probability maps for different phytoplankton species in the North Sea. Integrated data products created under the European Marine Observation Data Network (EMODnet) Biology project (EASME/EMFF/2017/, funded by the by the European Union under Regulation (EU) No 508/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 on the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, meer
- Barth, A.; Herman, P.M.J.; (2018): Neural network modelling of Baltic zooplankton abundances. Marine Data Archive, meer
- Borst, J.C.;Stolte, W.; van der Kamp, P.; Rijkswaterstaat (RWS); Havenbedrijf Rotterdam N.V. (HbR); Deltares; Imares; (2014): Monitoring of macrozoobenthos, fish and birds in the Voordelta., meer
- Borst, J.C.;Stolte, W.; van der Kamp, P.; Rijkswaterstaat (RWS); Havenbedrijf Rotterdam N.V. (HbR); Deltares; Imares; (2014): Monitoring of birds in the Voordelta., meer
- Borst, J.C.;Stolte, W.; van der Kamp, P.; Rijkswaterstaat (RWS); Havenbedrijf Rotterdam N.V. (HbR); Deltares; Imares; (2014): Monitoring of macrozoobenthos in the Voordelta., meer
- Borst, J.C.;Stolte, W.; van der Kamp, P.; Rijkswaterstaat (RWS); Havenbedrijf Rotterdam N.V. (HbR); Deltares; Imares; (2016): Monitoring of fish in the Voordelta., meer
- Brinkman, B; Wageningen University and Research (WUR) - Institute for Marine Resources & Ecosystem Studies (Imares), The Netherlands; (2015). Suspended sediment concentration - EMS-Dollard Water Framework Directive primary production measurements 2012-2013., meer
- Herman, P.M.J. (2022). Summary presence/absence maps of macro-endobenthos in European Seas, based on the EMODNET Biology database. Integrated data products created under the European Marine Observation Data Network (EMODnet) Biology project Phase IV (EMFF/2019/ 6/SI2.837974), funded by the European Union under Regulation (EU) No 508/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 on the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund., meer
- Herman, P.M.J.; (2018): Long term zooplankton time series analysis from Villefranche, Western Mediterranean. Marine Data Archive, meer
- Herman, P.M.J.; (2018): Phytoplankton community analysis in the Middle Adriatic. Marine Data Archive, meer
- Herman, P.M.J.; (2018): Phytoplankton community analysis in the Northern Adriatic. Marine Data Archive, meer
- Herman, P.M.J.; (2018): Use of EMODNET Biology Data for invasive species policies. What can we learn? Marine Data Archive, meer
- Herman,P.M.J.& van Rees, F.F. 2022. Mapping Reef Forming North Sea Species. Integrated data products created under the European Marine Observation Data Network (EMODnet) Biology project CINEA/EMFAF/2022/3.5.2/SI2.895681, funded by the by the European Union under Regulation (EU) No 508/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 on the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, meer
- MILZON-BENTHOS, the Netherlands, 2023., meer
- Ministery of Infrastructure and Environment, The Netherlands; (2018): Dutch long term monitoring of macrobenthos in the Dutch Continental Economical Zone of the North Sea., meer
- MEP-NSW Bivalves: Ministery of Infrastructure and Environment, The Netherlands; (2019): Bivalves surveys for the Monitoring and Evaluation Programme of the North Sea OWEZ wind park in 2007, meer
- Ministery of Infrastructure and Environment, The Netherlands; (2020): Dutch long term monitoring of phytoplankton in the Dutch Continental Economical Zone of the North Sea, meer
- RWS, the Netherlands, 2022. Dutch long term monitoring of phytoplankton in the Dutch Continental Economical Zone of the North Sea (2000-2018). https://waterinfo-extra.rws.nl/monitoring/biologie/zooplankton/, meer
- Rijkswaterstaat, the Netherlands, 2023. Rotterdam Harbour sampling: 2nd Maasvlakte., meer
- Rijkswaterstaat: Suspended sediment concentration observations MWTL for the Ems estuary 1990-2017 - https://waterinfo.rws.nl, meer
- WMR_IMARES, the Netherlands, 2022. Dutch coast Spisula survey., meer
- WMR_IMARES, the Netherlands, 2022. Dutch coast Texel. , meer
- WOT-schelpdieren: Wageningen Marine Research (2019). WOT-schelpdieren: Dutch national shellfish monitoring in the coastal zone, meer
- Willem Stolte, & Luuk van der Heijden (2020). Presence/Absence maps of phytoplankton in the Greater North Sea. Integrated data products created under the European Marine Observation Data Network (EMODnet) Biology project (EASME/EMFF/2017/, funded by the by the European Union under Regulation (EU) No 508/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 on the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, meer
- Details of MEP-NSW-Pelagic fish, meer
- MEP-NSW Demersal fish, meer
- MEP-NSW Gillnet, meer