
Expo "Marine Art - Oostende": where marine sciences meets arts!

05/14/2013 - 23:26
This expo - from 15 May till 9 June in Fort Napoleon, Oostende - shows a selection of the art works created by the students of the Visual Arts Academy in Ghent after having followed workshops given by marine scientists from the University of Ghent and the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ). In the week before the World Ocean Day we organise several ocean science ateliers (for schools) and evening...

Non-indigenous species in the North-East Atlantic in the spotlights

05/02/2013 - 10:27
The introduction of non-indigenous animals and plants are a hot topic for policy makers. Intentionally or unintentionally imported foreign organisms can have a big impact on the ecosystem and its functioning. Around this theme and with a focus on the North East Atlantic Ocean, ILVO, VLIZ, MUMM and UGent organize a conference on 20-22 november 2013 in Ostend. Not to be missed!

4th edition of MARID conferences in Bruges

04/16/2013 - 10:17
MARID stands for 'Marine and River Dune Dynamics', a series of international conferences on the research and expertise exchange on seabed form structures, geomorphology, sedimentology and hydrodynamics in the marine environment and rivers. The 4 th editions of the conference is held the medieval city of Bruges (Belgium), on Monday 15 and Tuesday 16 April 2013, with a field trip on Wednesday 17...

Looking back at the VLIZ Young Marine Scientists' Day 2013

03/22/2013 - 10:26
With 303 participants this thirtheenth edition of the VLIZ Young Marine Scientists Day - held on Friday 15 February in KHBO, Bruges - was a top event! The floor was given to near a hundred young researchers to show their scientific results, covering the full range of marine disciplines. The public voted the best speaker and poster. The prizes of the VLIZ Thesis Awards and the North Sea Award were...

Towards a stronger European marine biotechnology research

01/22/2013 - 13:40
What are the most important recent and ongoing Marine Biotechnology research projects and initiatives? What is the status of the future Europese Research Area (ERA-NET) in MARINEBIOTECH? What are the critical needs, gaps and challenges to inform future Marine Biotechnology policy and coordination efforts? During the final conference of the project CSA MARINEBIOTECH (Brussels, 11-12 March 2013) all...

Full programme VLIZ Young Marine Scientists' Day 2013 and preceding VLIZ mini-symposium - Register now!

01/14/2013 - 13:58
With a total of 80 abstracts submitted, we are sure the VLIZ young scientists' day 2013 on Friday 15 February is again a must to attend in order to know the latest marine research in our region. Registration is open now. NEW: this year the young scientists' day is preceded on Thursday afternoon (14 February) by the VLIZ mini-symposium 'Marine Observations in the Southern Bight of the North Sea '...

Call for abstracts: VLIZ Young Marine Scientists' Day 15 february 2013

11/20/2012 - 14:52
The 'VLIZ Young Marine Scientists' Day' 2013 invites all marine scientists in Flanders and around. On Friday 15 February you can discover the quality, diversity and relevance of the multidsiciplinaire marine research in Bruges. Submit your abstract by 14 December 2012 and present your research in a clear, concise and attractive way.

Call: VLIZ Thesis Awards for Marine Sciences 2012

10/24/2012 - 09:00
Did you recently graduate at a Flemish university or technical college (HOBU-type)? Is your thesis on a marine or coastal subject and are you proud on it? Then you should apply for the VLIZ Thesis Awards for Marine Sciences 2011! Subscribing is possible before the 30th of November 2012.

EUROFLEETS funds ship time Belgian researchers

06/27/2012 - 10:27
Several Belgians were awarded during the second open call "Regional 2-2011" within the FP7-Eurofleets project. In this call European marine researchers could compete for ship time on 12 regional research vessels.

VLIZ Annual Report 2011 launched

06/22/2012 - 13:09
The annual report 2011 of the Flanders Marine Institute gives an overview of our activities in the calendar year 2011. A year where we especially will recall the construction of the Simon Stevin, many communication actions around the effects of climate change in the seas and oceans, the recognition of the VLIZ as ICSU data centre and the startup of the Compendium for coast and sea. At the last...

Ship time RV Simon Stevin

06/14/2012 - 14:26
Ship time for the oceanographic research vessel Simon Stevin can be booked for the period August – December 2012. The Simon Stevin can be used in the Belgian and adjacent coastal waters as well as in the Scheldt estuary. Normally day trips are scheduled but multi-day campaigns are possible on request.

PRESS RELEASE: Flanders invests in European research infrastructures

05/18/2012 - 16:52
On Tuesday 8 May 2012, the Flemish Minister of Innovation Ingrid Lieten launched four Flemish projects of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructure (ESFRI). As such the Flemish government engaged to contribute to these European initiatives to set up joint research infrastructures. The Minister reserved, in the framework of the Flemish innovation policy, for this purpose 3.5 million...

LifeWatch a high technological view on European and Flemish biodiversity

05/18/2012 - 16:44
Alike to the importance of the breakthrough of meteorology for the accuracy of the daily weather forecast, LifeWatch will allow a precise follow-up of life on earth and in the oceans. With revolutionary techniques and computational systems Flanders will contribute to Europe’s high technological future of continuous monitoring of the status and the evolution of biodiversity and the ecosystem...

VLIZ has several student jobs to offer for this summer

03/13/2012 - 15:14
The Flanders Marine Institute is looking for enthousiastic students (prefeably MSc-level) to work this summer at VLIZ in Ostend. Do you think the work at our multimedia centre, data centre, figure&policy department or communication & education department is fascinating? Do you want to cooperate in running projects for the duration of one month (1-31 July, 1-31 August or 1-30 September)?

Looking back at the VLIZ Young Marine Scientists' Day 2012

03/12/2012 - 22:59
With 338 registered participants this twelfth edition of the VLIZ Young Marine Scientists Day - held on Friday 24 February in KHBO, Bruges - was again a success. The floor was given to near a hundred young researchers to show their scientific results, covering the full range of marine disciplines. The public voted the best speaker and poster. The prizes of the VLIZ Thesis Awards and the North Sea...