Full programme VLIZ Young Marine Scientists' Day 2013 and preceding VLIZ mini-symposium - Register now!

14 February 2013 (13:30-17:10)
VLIZ mini-symposium 2013 ‘Marine Observations in the Southern Bight of the North Sea’
KHBO in Bruges

15 February 2013 (08:30-17:00)
VLIZ Young Marine Scientists' Day 2013
KHBO in Bruges

Registration: Since the number of seats is limited, we kindly ask you to register asap if you intend to participate in one or both events. Click here to register online.

Venue: Katholieke Hogeschool Brugge-Oostende (KHBO), Xaverianenstraat 10, 8200 Brugge

Programme VLIZ mini-symposium 2013:

13:00-13:30 Registration
Jan Mees (Flanders Marine Institute, VLIZ)
13:40-14:00Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ)
Prof. Dr Jan Mees
14:00-14:20Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ)
Mr. Kees Camphuyzen
14:20-14:40Institute for Marine Resources & Ecosystem Studies (IMARES)
Dr. ir. Tammo Bult
14:40-15:00Laboratory of Oceanology and Geosciences of Wimereux (LOG)
Prof. Dr François Schmitt
15:00-15:30Coffee break
15:30-15:50Institut français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer (IFREMER)
Dr Sandrine Vaz
15:50-16:10Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Models (BMM)
Dr Kevin Ruddick
16:10-16:30National Oceanography Centre (NOC)
Dr Matthew Palmer
16:30-16:50Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science (SAHFOS)
Dr Astrid Fischer

Programme VLIZ Young Marine Scientists' Day 2013:

08:30-09:00 Registration, Welcome coffee & mounting of posters
09:00-09.05 Welcome and introduction to the programme
Jan Mees (Flanders Marine Institute, VLIZ)
09:05-10:00Reflections on past, present and future challenges in deep-sea research
Ann Vanreusel (Ghent University, Marine Biology Section)
10:00-10:50SESSION I
  • Marine biotoxins in Brown crab (Cancer pagurus)
    Karen Bekaert
  • Modelling of hydrodynamic and morphological processes in the Scheldt Estuary with a new bed roughness model
    Qilong Bi
  • FLUXMAP: importance of sediment type and macrobenthic functional biodiversity for biogeochemical cycling in the Belgian part of the North Sea
    Ulrike Braeckman
  • Electrogenic bacteria leave a unique geochemical footprint in marine sediments
    Laurine Burdorf
  • Compositional changes in the microalgae communities of the Scheldt Estuary: a result of improving water quality?
    Evelyn Buyze
  • How ancient is the trait that increased levels of plasma ammonia serve as a signal for hyperventilation? A case study in an elasmobranch, the spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias)
    Gudrun De Boeck
  • Groundwater flow and saltwater distribution near a gully in the Zwin
    Gert-Jan Devriese
  • A brand new oil spill response tool for Belgium
    Valérie Dulière
  • Buried under the sand: 'Integrated geophysical mapping of ancient peat exploitation at Raversijde beach'
    Dimitrios Evangelinos
  • PCBs still sticking around
    Gert Everaert
    11:20-12:10SESSION II
  • All aboard: a valuable use for discards
    Emely Hanseeuw
  • Marsh development in Saeftinghe and impact on storage of storm water
    Sven Smolders
  • The impact of Electrotrawls on marine organisms
    Maarten Soetaert
  • Biomagnification of persistent organic pollutants in food webs from the Scheldt Estuary (Belgium)
    Evy Van Ael
  • The role of wind in hydrochorous mangrove propagule dispersal
    Tom Van der Stocken
  • Sediment profile imaging: an added value for Belgian marine research?
    Gert Van Hoey
  • An ecosystem approach towards beach spatial planning
    Sarah Vanden Eede
  • Genesis and evolution of the Ibiza slide
    Stef Vansteenberge
  • What strategic choices do fishermen make?
    Ruben Verkempynck
  • Oil spills: never mind the droplets
    Karel Viaene
  • 12:10-13:10Sandwich lunch
    13:10-13:25 Introduction to the afternoon programme
    Jan Mees (Flanders Marine Institute, VLIZ)
    13:25-14:10 Renewed marine sciences collaboration between Kenya and Belgium
    Jan Mees (Flanders Marine Institute, VLIZ) and Enock O. Wakwabi (KMFRI)
  • Poster presentations and competition (more than 60!)

  • Demonstrations of marine science activities by the VLIZ Marine Data and Information Centre (VMDC) and others
  • 16:30-16:50Presentations by the two winners of the 'VLIZ Thesis Award Marine Sciences 2012’ and by the winner of the ‘VLIZ North Sea Award 2012’
  • Migratory birds and the suitability of wetlands along the west coast of Greece: a preliminary analysis
    Joachim Teunen (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Plant Biology and Nature Management)
  • Experimental validation of empirical design of a scour protection around monopiles under combined wave and current loading
    Nicolas Loosveldt & Kenneth Vannieuwenhuyse (Ghent University, Department of Civil Engineering, Bridges, Roads and Hydraulic Structures)
  • Optical in situ and geostationary satellite-borne observations of suspended particles in coastal waters'
    Griet Neukermans (University of California, San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Ocen Optics Research Laboratory)
  • 16:50-17:00Presentation of the awards by Carl Decaluwé, Governor of West-Flanders
  • Best oral award (by the public)
  • Best poster award (by the public)
  • VLIZ North Sea Award 2012
  • VLIZ Thesis Awards Marine Sciences 2012
  • 17:00Reception