The Sea as a Good Cause: under this name, the charity work of VLIZ operates. It is the only good cause in Flanders that focuses specifically on marine research. VLIZ philanthropy projects and grants generate new scientific knowledge worldwide in support of a sustainable future for the ocean, so that you can keep on enjoying our blue planet.
We are commited to encourage young marine scientists in their scientific career so that they can engage in original research and thus gain innovative insights within marine science.
We also aim to raise social awareness about the crucial importance of the seas and ocean through projects that involve the general public, for example via citizen science and ocean literacy.

Seas and ocean under stress
We cannot ignore it: our planet's blue lung is exhausted. Climate change, ocean acidification, chemical pollution, the plastic pollution, overfishing and unsustainable resource extraction are some of the main causes. Under the impact of human activities, the ocean is changing rapidly.
Scientific knowledge is the first step towards a sustainable future for the seas and ocean. Only then can we tackle these major challenges and create solutions.
However, marine research requires large budgets. For instance, specific sampling equipment is needed, fieldwork costs run up, access to high-quality scientific publications is not free of charge, analyses in the lab are often very pricey, etc. A travel budget is also needed if we want to promote international knowledge exchange. Therefore, in order for marine scientists to carry out their work, any kind of support is welcome, including your financial support.
The themes on which The Sea as Good Cause works focus on -but are not limited to- climate change (the interaction between ocean, climate and biodiversity), ocean health and the relationship of the ocean with human health, complemented by more general themes such as exploration, marine observations and technological innovation.
These projects are possible thanks to The Sea as a Good Cause
The sea needs your support
Are you fascinated by the underwater world and marine sciences? Are you concerned about the state of the seas and ocean? Are you looking for a way to do something extra for this salty world? You can help!
Supporting marine sciences through The Sea as a Good Cause can be done with a membership, a donation, a gift or bequest, sponsorship, a partnership or a purchase through our webshop.
In order for marine scientists to carry out their work, your financial support is more than welcome. Together, we advance scientific research and strive for a sustainable future for the seas and ocean!