Non-indigenous species in the North-East Atlantic in the spotlights

The introduction of non-indigenous marine species is of great concern within different directives and policy instruments (OSPAR Convention, ICES, the European marine strategy framework directive, the IMO Ballast water Convention). Questions like "Why these species thrive here as well?", "How did they get here?", "What is their impact and how do we best deal with it?" are paramount.

Interested scientists, policy makers/advisors, academics and other stakeholders have to block the date in their agenda. Authors who want to present a poster or oral presentation, are invited to submit an abstract around one of the themes: success of non-native species and their vectors, structural and functional biodiversity, threats and risks, positive aspects of their success and control, and "early warning" systems. Abstracts can be submit till the 1st of July. Follow the guidelines.

Download Flyer 'First Announcement & Call for abstracts' (13.02.2013)

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Credits pictures in s banner: Francis Kerckhof (Hemigrapsus sanguineus, Crassostrea gigas, fouled ship’s hull, Sargassum muticum, Megabalanus coccopoma), Karl Van Ginderdeuren (Caprella mutica, Mnemiopsis leidyi), Jan Haelters (Crepidula fornicata, Micropogonias undulatus), Christian Fischer (Eriocheir sinensis)