VLIZ provides three vessels for research in the Belgian part of the North Sea, tidal areas and rivers. The RV Simon Stevin is a 36m-long oceanographic research vessel that also operates in the North Sea or the Channel, outside the Belgian part of the North Sea. The Abbé Mann is an 11m-long work boat that can be used to carry out missions in the Belgian part of the North Sea and in mouth of the Western Scheldt estuary. The RIB Zeekat is a 6.2-metre boat suitable for research in coastal areas, as well as the Zeeschelde, the lower reaches of the Westerschelde estuary and in harbours. All vessels can be requested through annual calls.
Multidisciplinary coastal research vessel Simon Stevin
The RV Simon Stevin (built 2012, cost €11.5 million) will be used for oceanographic coastal research and training of marine and maritime students. The ship also functions as test platform for new technologies. The ship flies the Belgian flag and is registered in Ostend. Ten scientists can embark for day or multi-day campaigns. Up to 20 people can embark on educational voyages. A cooperation agreement between VLOOT dab and the VLIZ ensures the scientific operation of the RV Simon Stevin. As owner of the research vessel, VLOOT dab provides the crew, ensures the technical maintenance and bears all ship operating costs. VLIZ is responsible for the scientific programme and manages the RV Simon Stevin's scientific equipment. All features of the vessel can be found in this in this technical sheet.
The MIDAS (Marine Information and Data Acquisition System) data system records all kinds of data ranging from navigation, meteorological to oceanographic data while underway. In addition, scientists log their research activities with this system. All data are stored a database.
Workboat Abbé Mann
The RV Abbé Mann is an aluminum workboat (built 2024, cost €650 000) which measures 11m long, is 3.7m wide and has a draft of 1m. The Abbé Mann has an aftdeck of 4.5 meters and is equipped with a moonpool and an aft A-frame capable of lifting loads of up to 500 kg. Up to 4 scientists can comfortably carry out surveys on board during day trips. The Abbé Mann is a multidisciplinary vessel and can carry out a variety of task, ranging from acoustic surveys, scientific diving work, assisting in the deployment of autonomous vehicles to deploying measurement frames.

RIB Zeekat
The Zeekat (built 2017, cost €120 000) is 6.2 m long and 2.6 m wide. The Zeekat can be deployed in the Belgian part of the North Sea, tidal rivers and estuaries and in harbours. It can be driven on site with a trailer and launched from a boat ramp. The boat's shallow draft (less than 1m) allows it to take samples in very shallow areas and its reinforced keel allows it to be grounded on tidal banks. The Zeekat can carry up to six people on board including one skipper.

RV Zeeleeuw
The RV Zeeleeuw was in service from 2001 to 2012 and was replaced by the RV Simon Stevin. During those 10 years the RV Zeeleeuw sailed about 80.000 miles, over 1000 scientists came aboard to perform research, more than 4000 students and pupils participated in educational trips and around 5000 persons visited the research vessel during public events.
The RV Zeeleeuw was a former pilot vessel, constructed in 1977, that had been rebuilt in 2000 to a research vessel. After more than 10 years of service, there was a need for a modern, well-equipped vessel, with a restricted draught needed for an optimal accessibility to shallow coastal waters of the Southern Bight of the North Sea and the surrounding estuaries. These features are now offered by the RV Simon Stevin.