Looking back at the VLIZ Young Marine Scientists' Day 2012

Book of abstracts & lists presentations

The abstracts of all participants and award winners can be found in the Book of Abstracts (VLIZ Special Publications 55). It gives you a nice overview of the current marine research in Flanders and surroundings.

Twenty contestants were invited to prepare a short pitch presentation (max. 5 minutes) for the plenary session. The others could present their work during the poster session. The audience could vote the best oral and the best scientific poster.

Top-3 pitch presentations

1: Michiel Vandegehuchte - Plastic waste in the Belgian coastal waters: where and how much? [[pitch presentation:PDF Icon] [Clip]

2: Lisbeth Van Cauwenberghe - Selective uptake of microplastics by a marine bivalve (Mytilus edulis) [[pitch presentation:PDF I


3: Ronny Merken - Wetland suitability and connectivity for migratory birds along the Ionian Flyway in Greece [[pitch presentation:PDF Icon]

Top-3 scientific posters

1: Smolders Sven, Stefaan Ides, Yves Plancke, Patrick Meire and Stijn Temmerman - Morphological management as a tool to optimize the three main functions of the Scheldt Estuary: safety, accessibility and ecology [PDF Icon] [Clip]

2: Vanden Eede Sarah and Magda Vincx - Can we protect our coastline and the beach ecosystem at the same time? [PDF Icon] [Clip]

3: Desender Marieke, Hans Polet, Koen Chiers, Maarten Soetaert and Annemie Decostere - Evaluation of the impact of electro shrimp trawl fishery [PDF Icon] [Clip]

Other posters

Other poster presentations delivered to VLIZ, are made available in the Open Marine Archive (OMA).

Key-note speakers

  • Inge Van Nieuwerburgh (Ghent University, Digital Library) - Boosting your visibility in Open Access [[pitch presentation viaPDF Icon]

  • Jean Berlamont (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Hydraulics Laboratory) - Why do we love the sea? Because it makes us think of things we like to think [PDF Icon] [[pitch presentation via Clip]

  • Michael N. Moore (Plymouth Marine Laboratory) - Oceans and Human Health [only abstract available] [Clip]
  • Photo & Video

    Pictures and video-clips are made available in the VLIZ photo gallery. Soon we will add a short reportage of the 2012 edition of the VLIZ Young Marine Scientists Day.

    VLIZ North Sea Award 2011

  • dr. Eric Struyf: 'Historical land use change has lowered terrestrial silica mobilization' - [research article in Nature Communications (2010)] [[pitch presentation:PDF Icon]

    VLIZ Thesis Award Marine Sciences 2011

  • Elisabeth Debusschere: 'Effect of ocean acidification on the early life stages of the Baltic tellin Macoma balthica' - [M.Sc. scriptie UGent - EMBC] [pitch presentation:PDF Icon]

  • Lorenz Meire: 'Impact of global change on coastal hypoxia' - [M.Sc. scriptie UGent - MARELAC] [[pitch presentation:PDF Icon]