Your financial support enables marine scientists, engineers and students to come up with creative solutions, develop innovative techniques and thus support a sustainable use of our world's ocean.
Gifts, donations or a bequest, any form of support advances marine scientific knowledge. Thanks to you! You can earmark a specific project, grant, or fund. Or you can choose to favour The Sea as a Good Cause in general, if you wish to contribute to the wide range of marine research.

A gift allows you to distribute some of your assets during your lifetime. The Sea as a Good Cause accepts gifts or larger donations. Together with you, we look at which scientific projects or grants you are interested in and how you can use your gift to optimise marine research.
The Flemish Government encourages gifts to charity, because your gifts are immensely important for the funding of The Sea as a Good Cause. Regardless of the value of the gift, since 1 July 2021 the rate for gifts to charity in Flanders has been 0%. Different rates apply for those living in the Brussels Capital Region or the Walloon Region.
Do you wish to gift a larger financial amount (or a donation of movable property)? Then there are several possibilities:
- a hand gift
- a gift by bank transfer
- a notarial gift
If you wish to gift a residence or land (gift of immovable property), this is done by notarial deed. To discuss and arrange the gift, it is best to contact your notary. You can read more about gifts on the website of the FPS Finances.
Bequeathing to The Sea as a Good Cause
You can bequeath (part of) your assets by will to the philanthropy work of VLIZ. It is an extremely valuable way to contribute to a sustainable future of the seas and ocean. Regardless of the value of the bequest, the rate for a bequest to charity In Flanders is 0%. Note that different rates apply for those living in the Brussels Capital Region or the Walloon Region.
Did you draw up a will with a duo legacy in the past? Then we advise you to contact your notary to work out a new arrangement, as the rules on this have changed since 1 July 2021.
Contact your notary to discuss the details of how to draw up your will. Extra information can be read on where you can already find a lot of concrete information.
We recommend that you include the following information in your will so that the bequest reaches the right address: the donation is made to the charitable organisation of the Flanders Marine Institute (Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee vzw) (company number 0466 279 196) called The Sea as a Good Cause (De Zee als Goed Doel) and is made by transferring the money to the philanthropy account IBAN BE70 0017 1687 3425 (BIC GEBABEBB) of the Flanders Marine Institute (Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee vzw) (bank branch BNP Paribas Fortis, Centrumplein 8a, 8450 Bredene). If you prefer, specify the project, scholarship, fund you wish to target with your bequest. Or choose The Sea as a Good Cause in general, if you wish to contribute to the wide range of marine research.
Your contact at The Sea as a Good Cause
For questions about donations, a gift or a bequest, please contact Karen Rappé ( or +32 (0)59 33 60 00). If you wish, we will be happy to make an appointment to explain more or to discuss personalised options together.