Annual Report 2023


Are you curious about the most important achievements of the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) of the past year? The 2023 Annual Report bundles all relevant figures and achievements. The 10 highlights report on the most important milestones, events, activities or projects of VLIZ for 2023. Three carefully selected impact trajectories inform you about VLIZ' long-term share in social or economic topics. Learn more about our partners and browse through the key performance and management indicators.

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   Highlights 2023

      The highlights are the special events, achievements, activities or projects of VLIZ that took place in 2023. They are often the result of intensive cooperation between various departments and divisions.

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Impactful trajectories



The European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) is an EC marine data service provided by DG MARE, offering pan-European in situ data and products on the marine environment and human activities at sea. EMODnet addresses the fragmentation of European marine data, making it more accessible. As a flagship European Marine Knowledge initiative, EMODnet is vital for scientists, engineers, managers, and policymakers.

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European Marine Board


The European Marine Board (EMB) provides an independent pan-European platform to its marine scientific Member Organisations to establish common research priorities, to promote marine research and to close the gap between marine science and policy.

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JPI Oceans


The Joint Programming Initiative Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans (JPI Oceans) is a pan-European intergovernmental platform that increases the efficiency and impact of research and innovation for sustainably healthy and productive seas and oceans.

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UNESCO / IOC Project Office for IODE


Since 2005, VLIZ hosts and supports the Project Office for the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE PO) Programme of UNESCO’s ‘Intergovernmental Oceano- graphic Commission’ (IOC). The ‘UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE’ is also the Secretariat of the IOC’s Capacity Development section.

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The Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) refer to important services provided by VLIZ to marine scientific researchers, policymakers, educators and the general public. These are criteria to evaluate the operation of VLIZ. As stated in the covenant for the period 2022-2026, VLIZ has to deliver on at nine KPIs every year and qualitatively report on three supplementary indicators.