'The Ostend working group for inter/multidisciplinary scientific marine papers'. Under this heading, The Sea as a Good Cause invites experts to jointly publish a high-impact paper on an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary marine topic. We launch an annual call for topics, whereby the scientific committee of the VLIZ can also suggest topics themselves. The emphasis is on knowledge integration during one or more meetings and the ultimate goal is a scientific publication (A1). The concept distinguishes itself from existing ones by emphasising the inter- or multidisciplinary approach. The Sea as a Good Cause accommodates the workshops and bears the publication costs.
DonATE for 'The Ostend Working Group on Ocean & Human Health'
The Ostend Working Group on Ocean & Human Health brings together Flemish scientists with an expertise in how ocean health relates to human health. From the working group, we want each expert to reflect on the theme of Ocean & Human Health from their own scientific discipline. On what aspects of our mental and physical health does the ocean have a measurable impact? Bringing together this (multidisciplinary) knowledge will lead to a scientific publication.
Our contribution: via Ostend Working Groups, The Sea as a Good Cause offers a platform for experts to work together on a multi/interdisciplinary publication. The Sea as a Good Cause facilitates the workshops where these experts meet, and reimburses the publication cost.
Your donation serves to make The Ostend Working Group on Ocean & Human Health possible. Donations can be made via the webshop or by transferring money to the philanthropy bank account of the Flanders Institute for the Sea: BE70 0017 1687 3425 with the reference OWG Ocean and Human Health. Donations of EUR 40 or more per year are tax deductible. Do you wish to sponsor? Please contact filantropie@vliz.be and we will look at the possibilities together.