4th edition of MARID conferences in Bruges

With 85 professionals and stakeholders participating this edition can be evaluated as a succes. Two days full of exciting keynote speakers and interesting scientific presentations, closing of with a field trip to Breskens and Hooge Platen, a sandbar in the mouth of the Schelde river and visible at low tide.
More pictures on the conference and field trip: soon available on the photo gallery of the MARID website.

Book of abstracts

Van Lancker, V. and Garlan, T. (Eds), 2013. MARID 2013. Fourth International Conference on Marine and River Dune Dynamics. Bruges, Belgium, 15-17 April 2013. Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences and SHOM. VLIZ Special Publication 65 – Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ). Oostende, Belgium. 338p. ISSN 1377-0950. ISBN 978-2-11-128352-7 [Download here]