VLIZ werkt vooral samen met instellingen die gehuisvest zijn op de InnovOcean-campus. Op de campus zijn verschillende andere maritieme instellingen gevestigd:
Project Office for IODE: The UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE is the main training center of the IODE program worldwide. As a special mission, the VLIZ has been responsible for hosting and supporting the UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE since 2005.

European Marine Board: The European Marine Board is a pan-European platform of marine scientific organizations aimed at developing common priorities and bridging the gap between science and policy. VLIZ has been mandated by the Flemish Region to host and support the EMB Secretariat.

European marine observation- and datanetwork (EMODnet): EMODnet, the European marine observation and data network, aims to unlock the wealth of marine observations and make them optimally accessible. VLIZ has been commissioned by the Flemish government to host and support the secretariat of EMODnet.

Het Streekhuis Kust - Province West-Flanders - Collaboration Coastal Area: The Streekhuis Kust strengthens the work of the Province of West Flanders on the coast. The Regional House is a meeting place for authorities and regional partners. We offer support to local and regional administrations and focus on current coastal themes.

Het Streekhuis Kust - Coastal heritage Unit: The Coastal Heritage Unit deals with everything related to coastal cultural heritage.

InnovOcean Campus
The InnovOcean Campus in Ostend houses internationally renowned institutions active in marine and maritime research and research support. The campus is managed by ILVO Marien.