Are you passionate about the sea and do you wish to support marine research? That is possible through VLIZ philanthropy The Sea as a Good Cause, the only good cause in Flanders that focuses on marine research. The VLIZ philanthropy projects generate worldwide new scientific knowledge in benefit of a sustainable future for the seas and ocean, so that you can keep on enjoying the sea!
DonatE through the webshop Choose your desired multiple of EUR 10 as well as to which project or grant you wish to allocate the donation.
DONATE VIA IBAN BE70 0017 1687 3425 (BIC GEBABEBB) the philanthropy bank account of Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee vzw.
Donations are tax deductible from EUR 40 per year. For individuals, a tax benefit of up to 10% of net income applies. For companies, up to a maximum of 5% of the total taxable profit per fiscal year is deductible.
Want to enjoy the tax benefit (tax reduction of 45% of the donated amount per year)? Include the word 'donation' and personal details (full name, national registry number and address) in the announcement. Companies should also include the company number. We will provide a tax certificate in the first quarter of the year following the donation(s).