Aportaciones al conocimiento de los Briozoos marinos ibericos: Queilostomados = Contribution to the knowledge of Iberian marine Bryozoa
Fernández Pulpeiro, E. (1983). Aportaciones al conocimiento de los Briozoos marinos ibericos: Queilostomados = Contribution to the knowledge of Iberian marine Bryozoa. Cah. Biol. Mar. 24(4): 469-487
In: Cahiers de Biologie Marine. Station Biologique de Roscoff: Paris. ISSN 0007-9723; e-ISSN 2262-3094, meer
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Abstract |
The present report shows the observations taken from eleven species of Bryozoa collected at different localities of the Galician littoral. Five of them: Cauloramphus spiniferum, Bugula stolonifera, Escharella labiosa, Hippoporidra edax and Trypostega venusta are recorded for first time in the seaside of the Iberian Peninsula, and six: Conopeum seurati, Hincksina flustroides, Bugula simplex, Umbonula ovicellata, Arthropoma cecilii and Schizotheca fissa are first records from the Iberian Altantic coasts. |