More male embryos near a pulp mill
Larsson, D.G.J.; Hällman, H.; Hyllner, S.-J.; Förlin, L. (2000). More male embryos near a pulp mill, in: Norberg, B. et al. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on the Reproductive Physiology of Fish, Bergen, Norway, July 4-9, 1999. pp. 384
In: Norberg, B. et al. (2000). Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on the Reproductive Physiology of Fish, Bergen, Norway, July 4-9, 1999. International Symposium on the Reproductive Physiology of Fish, 6. Department of Fisheries and Marine Biology, University of Bergen: Bergen. ISBN 82-7461-048-2. 499 pp., meer
In: International Symposium on the Reproductive Physiology of Fish. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales. , meer
Auteurs | | Top |
- Larsson, D.G.J.
- Hällman, H.
- Hyllner, S.-J.
- Förlin, L.
Abstract |
Exposure to endocrine disrupters during the early life stages may cause severe, long lasting effects. One process likely to be affected is sexual differentiation, which in fish can be influenced both by exogenous androgens or estrogens. To investigate if sexual differentiation is affected in wild fish exposed to pollutants, we have studied embryonic sex ratios in a viviparous gonochoristic fish species, the eelpout (Zoarces viviparus), whose embryos complete sexual differentiation before birth. Male biased sex ratios in an effluent gradient from a large pulp mill suggest that endocrine disrupters in pulp mill effluents may disturb sexual differentiation and thereby impair reproductive potential of fish populations. There were no indications of estrogenic contamination from the mill. |