Fisheries for global welfare and environment: Memorial book of the 5th World Fisheries Congress 2008
Tsukamoto, K.; Kawamura, T.; Takeuchi, T.; Beard Jr., T.D.; Kaiser, M.J. (Ed.) (2008). Fisheries for global welfare and environment: Memorial book of the 5th World Fisheries Congress 2008. TerraPub: Tokyo. ISBN 978-4-88704-144-8. 470 pp.
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Auteurs | | Top |
- Tsukamoto, K., redacteur
- Kawamura, T., redacteur
- Takeuchi, T., redacteur
- Beard Jr., T.D., redacteur
- Kaiser, M.J., redacteur, meer
Inhoud |
- Nomura, I. (2008). Fisheries management: status and challenges, in: Tsukamoto, K. et al. (Ed.) Fisheries for global welfare and environment: Memorial book of the 5th World Fisheries Congress 2008. pp. 1-16, meer
- Marteinsdóttir, G.; Pardoe, H. (2008). Effects of fishing on inter and intra stock diversity of marine resources, in: Tsukamoto, K. et al. (Ed.) Fisheries for global welfare and environment: Memorial book of the 5th World Fisheries Congress 2008. pp. 27-43, meer
- Hilborn, R. (2008). Knowledge on how to achieve sustainable fisheries, in: Tsukamoto, K. et al. (Ed.) Fisheries for global welfare and environment: Memorial book of the 5th World Fisheries Congress 2008. pp. 45-56, meer
- Koop, B.F.; Davidson, W.S. (2008). Genomics and the genome duplication in salmonids, in: Tsukamoto, K. et al. (Ed.) Fisheries for global welfare and environment: Memorial book of the 5th World Fisheries Congress 2008. pp. 77-86, meer
- Cailliet, G.M.; Andrews, A.H. (2008). Age-validated longevity of fishes: its importance for sustainable fisheries, in: Tsukamoto, K. et al. (Ed.) Fisheries for global welfare and environment: Memorial book of the 5th World Fisheries Congress 2008. pp. 103-120, meer
- Bost, C.A.; Jaeger, A.; Huin, W.; Koubbi, P.; Halsey, L.G.; Hanuise, H.; Handrich, Y. (2008). Monitoring prey availability via data loggers deployed on seabirds: advances and present limitations, in: Tsukamoto, K. et al. (Ed.) Fisheries for global welfare and environment: Memorial book of the 5th World Fisheries Congress 2008. pp. 121-137, meer
- Araki, H. (2008). Hatchery stocking for restoring wild populations: a genetic evaluation of the reproductive success of hatchery fish vs. wild fish, in: Tsukamoto, K. et al. (Ed.) Fisheries for global welfare and environment: Memorial book of the 5th World Fisheries Congress 2008. pp. 153-167, meer
- Matsuoka, T. (2008). A review of bycatch and discard issue toward solution, in: Tsukamoto, K. et al. (Ed.) Fisheries for global welfare and environment: Memorial book of the 5th World Fisheries Congress 2008. pp. 169-180, meer
- Olsen, Y.; Olsen, L.M. (2008). Environmental impact of aquaculture on coastal planktonic ecosystems, in: Tsukamoto, K. et al. (Ed.) Fisheries for global welfare and environment: Memorial book of the 5th World Fisheries Congress 2008. pp. 181-196, meer
- Bondad-Reantaso, M.G.; Subasinghe, R.P. (2008). Meeting the future demand for aquatic food through aquaculture: the role of aquatic animal health, in: Tsukamoto, K. et al. (Ed.) Fisheries for global welfare and environment: Memorial book of the 5th World Fisheries Congress 2008. pp. 197-207, meer
- Tassanakajon, A.; Atanavicharn, T.; Supungul, P.; Tang, S.; Amparyup, P.; Somboonwiwat, K.; Tharntada, S.; Takahashi, J.; Toyohara, H. (2008). Biotechnology of marine invertebrates-recent advances in shrimp and shellfish, in: Tsukamoto, K. et al. (Ed.) Fisheries for global welfare and environment: Memorial book of the 5th World Fisheries Congress 2008. pp. 221-239, meer
- Yamashita, M.; Namikoshi, A.; Iguchi, J.; Takashima, Y.; Hossain, M.A.; Yabu, T.; Yamashita, Y. (2008). Molecular identification of species and the geographic origin of seafood, in: Tsukamoto, K. et al. (Ed.) Fisheries for global welfare and environment: Memorial book of the 5th World Fisheries Congress 2008. pp. 297-306, meer
- Chen, C.-T.A. (2008). Effects of climate change on marine ecosystems, in: Tsukamoto, K. et al. (Ed.) Fisheries for global welfare and environment: Memorial book of the 5th World Fisheries Congress 2008. pp. 307-316, meer
- Anderson, D. (2008). Harmful algal blooms and ocean observing systems: needs, present status and future potential, in: Tsukamoto, K. et al. (Ed.) Fisheries for global welfare and environment: Memorial book of the 5th World Fisheries Congress 2008. pp. 317-334, meer
- Seaman, W. (2008). Coastal artificial habitats for fishery and environmental management and scientific advancement, in: Tsukamoto, K. et al. (Ed.) Fisheries for global welfare and environment: Memorial book of the 5th World Fisheries Congress 2008. pp. 335-349, meer
- Kaeriyama, M. (2008). Ecosystem-based sustainable conservation and management of Pacific salmon, in: Tsukamoto, K. et al. (Ed.) Fisheries for global welfare and environment: Memorial book of the 5th World Fisheries Congress 2008. pp. 371-380, meer
- Butterworth, D.S. (2008). Some lessons from implementing management procedures, in: Tsukamoto, K. et al. (Ed.) Fisheries for global welfare and environment: Memorial book of the 5th World Fisheries Congress 2008. pp. 381-397, meer
- Ruddle, K. (2008). Reconsidering the contribution of fisheries to society and millennium development goals, in: Tsukamoto, K. et al. (Ed.) Fisheries for global welfare and environment: Memorial book of the 5th World Fisheries Congress 2008. pp. 399-411, meer
- Matsuda, Y. (2008). Advantages and disadvantages of the fisheries trade, in: Tsukamoto, K. et al. (Ed.) Fisheries for global welfare and environment: Memorial book of the 5th World Fisheries Congress 2008. pp. 413-423, meer
- Dhont, J. (2008). International cooperation for higher education in aquaculture and fisheries science - a European point of view, in: Tsukamoto, K. et al. (Ed.) Fisheries for global welfare and environment: Memorial book of the 5th World Fisheries Congress 2008. pp. 449-460, meer