A marine wildlife sanctuary for the Arabian Gulf: Environmental research and conservation following the 1991 Gulf War Oil Spill
Krupp, F.; Abuzinada, A.H.; Nader, I.A. (Ed.) (1996). A marine wildlife sanctuary for the Arabian Gulf: Environmental research and conservation following the 1991 Gulf War Oil Spill. Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft: Frankfurt a.M. ISBN 3-929907-37-2. 516 + 1 map pp.
Beschikbaar in | Auteurs |
VLIZ: Environmental management EQC.75 [102294]
Auteurs | | Top |
- Krupp, F., redacteur
- Abuzinada, A.H., redacteur
- Nader, I.A., redacteur
Inhoud |
- Alam, I.A.H. (1996). The 1991 Gulf War environmental crisis: a review of initial research activities, in: Krupp, F. et al. (Ed.) A marine wildlife sanctuary for the Arabian Gulf: environmental research and conservation following the 1991 Gulf War Oil Spill. pp. 7-16, meer
- Krupp, F.; Khushaim, O. (1996). The Jubail Marine Wildlife Sanctuary, in: Krupp, F. et al. (Ed.) A marine wildlife sanctuary for the Arabian Gulf: environmental research and conservation following the 1991 Gulf War Oil Spill. pp. 17-32, meer
- Al-Mansi, A.M.; Montello, T.M.; Al-Momen, A.H. (1996). Seasonal profile changes in exposed beaches in the western Arabian Gulf, in: Krupp, F. et al. A marine wildlife sanctuary for the Arabian Gulf: environmental research and conservation following the 1991 Gulf War Oil Spill. pp. 33-39, meer
- Smith, G.C. (1996). Hydrocarbon concentrations in two intertidal areas of Saudi Arabia following remediation with mechanical clean-up techniques after the Gulf War oil spill, in: Krupp, F. et al. (Ed.) A marine wildlife sanctuary for the Arabian Gulf: environmental research and conservation following the 1991 Gulf War Oil Spill. pp. 40-53, meer
- Smith, G.C. (1996). The concentration and extent of degradation of petroleum componenments from intertidal and subtidal sediments in Saudi Arabia following the Gulf War oil spill, in: Krupp, F. et al. (Ed.) A marine wildlife sanctuary for the Arabian Gulf: environmental research and conservation following the 1991 Gulf War Oil Spill. pp. 54-74, meer
- Floodgate, G.D. (1996). The bacteriology of oil epuration in the Jubail Marine Wildlife Sanctuary, in: Krupp, F. et al. (Ed.) A marine wildlife sanctuary for the Arabian Gulf: environmental research and conservation following the 1991 Gulf War Oil Spill. pp. 75-84, meer
- Höpner, T.; Yousef, M.; Berthe-Corti, L.; Felzmann, H.; Struck, H.; Al-Thukair, A. (1996). Cyanobacterial mats on oil-polluted sediments - start of a promising self-remediation process ?, in: Krupp, F. et al. (Ed.) A marine wildlife sanctuary for the Arabian Gulf: environmental research and conservation following the 1991 Gulf War Oil Spill. pp. 85-95, meer
- Hoffmann, L. (1996). Recolonisation of the intertidal flats by microbial mats after the Gulf War oil spill, in: Krupp, F. et al. (Ed.) A marine wildlife sanctuary for the Arabian Gulf: environmental research and conservation following the 1991 Gulf War Oil Spill. pp. 96-115, meer
- Watt, I. (1996). A summary of the clean-up techniques used in the Jubail Marine Wildlife Sanctuary after the Gulf War oil spill and an assessment of their benefit to intertidal recovery, in: Krupp, F. et al. (Ed.) A marine wildlife sanctuary for the Arabian Gulf: environmental research and conservation following the 1991 Gulf War Oil Spill. pp. 116-127, meer
- Prena, J. (1996). The status of the intertidal soft-bottom macrofauna six months after the Gulf War oil spill, in: Krupp, F. et al. (Ed.) A marine wildlife sanctuary for the Arabian Gulf: environmental research and conservation following the 1991 Gulf War Oil Spill. pp. 128-137, meer
- Jones, D.A.; Watt, I.; Plaza, J.; Woodhouse, T.D.; Al-Sanei, M. (1996). Natural recovery of the intertidal biota within the Jubail Marine Wildlife Sanctuary after the Gulf War oil spill, in: Krupp, F. et al. (Ed.) A marine wildlife sanctuary for the Arabian Gulf: environmental research and conservation following the 1991 Gulf War Oil Spill. pp. 138-158, meer
- Richmond, M.D. (1996). Status of subtidal biotopes of the Jubail Marine Wildlife Sanctuary with special reference to soft-substrata communities, in: Krupp, F. et al. (Ed.) A marine wildlife sanctuary for the Arabian Gulf: environmental research and conservation following the 1991 Gulf War Oil Spill. pp. 159-176, meer
- Warnken, J. (1996). Salt-marshes and intertidal habitats of the Juail Marine Wildlife santuary: extent of oil-impacted areas and estimated losses of above-ground plant biomass following the 1991 gulf War oil spill, in: Krupp, F. et al. (Ed.) A marine wildlife sanctuary for the Arabian Gulf: environmental research and conservation following the 1991 Gulf War Oil Spill. pp. 177-185, meer
- Böer, B. (1996). Trial planting of mangroves (Avicennia marina) and salt-marsh plants (Salicornia europaea) in oil-impacted soil in the jubail area, Saudi Arabia, in: Krupp, F. et al. (Ed.) A marine wildlife sanctuary for the Arabian Gulf: environmental research and conservation following the 1991 Gulf War Oil Spill. pp. 186-192, meer
- Ziegler, W.; Krupp, F. (1996). The role of taxonomic research in biodiversity conservation, in: Krupp, F. et al. (Ed.) A marine wildlife sanctuary for the Arabian Gulf: environmental research and conservation following the 1991 Gulf War Oil Spill. pp. 193-198, meer
- De Clerck, O.; Coppejans, E. (1996). Marine algae of the Jubail Marine Wildlife Sanctuary, Saudi Arabia, in: Krupp, F. et al. (Ed.) A marine wildlife sanctuary for the Arabian Gulf: environmental research and conservation following the 1991 Gulf War Oil Spill. pp. 199-289, meer
- Böer, B.; Warnken, J. (1996). Flora of the Jubail Marine Wildlife Sanctuary, Saudi Arabia, in: Krupp, F. et al. (Ed.) A marine wildlife sanctuary for the Arabian Gulf: environmental research and conservation following the 1991 Gulf War Oil Spill. pp. 290-301, meer
- Vogt, H. (1996). Investigations on coral reefs in the Jubail Marine Wildlife Sanctuary using underwater video recordings and digital image analysis, in: Krupp, F. et al. (Ed.) A marine wildlife sanctuary for the Arabian Gulf: environmental research and conservation following the 1991 Gulf War Oil Spill. pp. 302-326, meer
- Apel, M. (1996). Ecological observations on crab communities (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura) on intertidal mudflats in the western Arabian gulf and the effect of the 1991 oil spill, in: Krupp, F. et al. (Ed.) A marine wildlife sanctuary for the Arabian Gulf: environmental research and conservation following the 1991 Gulf War Oil Spill. pp. 327-338, meer
- Krupp, F.; Almarri, M.A. (1996). Fishes and fish assemblages of the Jubail Marine Wildlife Sanctuary, in: Krupp, F. et al. (Ed.) A marine wildlife sanctuary for the Arabian Gulf: environmental research and conservation following the 1991 Gulf War Oil Spill. pp. 339-350, meer
- Al-Merghani, M.; Miller, J.D.; Al-Mansi, A.M.; Khushaim, O.; Pilcher, N. (1996). The marine turtles of the Arabian Gulf. NCWCD studies 1991-1994, in: Krupp, F. et al. (Ed.) A marine wildlife sanctuary for the Arabian Gulf: environmental research and conservation following the 1991 Gulf War Oil Spill. pp. 351-359, meer
- martens, H. (1996). A preliminary survey of the terrestrial reptiles and sea snakes in the Jubail Marine Wildlife Sanctuary, in: Krupp, F. et al. (Ed.) A marine wildlife sanctuary for the Arabian Gulf: environmental research and conservation following the 1991 Gulf War Oil Spill. pp. 360-373, meer
- Symens, P.; Alsuhaibany, A.H. (1996). The ornithological importance of the Jubail Marine Wildlife Sanctuary, in: Krupp, F. et al. (Ed.) A marine wildlife sanctuary for the Arabian Gulf: environmental research and conservation following the 1991 Gulf War Oil Spill. pp. 374-389, meer
- Symens, P.; Werner, M. (1996). Status of the Socorra cormorant in the Arabian Gulf, after the 1991 Gulf War oil spill, with an outline of a standardised census technique, in: Krupp, F. et al. (Ed.) A marine wildlife sanctuary for the Arabian Gulf: environmental research and conservation following the 1991 Gulf War Oil Spill. pp. 390-403, meer
- Symens, P.; Alsuhaibany, A.H. (1996). Status of the breeding populations of terns (Sternidae) along the eastern coast of Saudi Arabia following the 1991 Gulf War, in: Krupp, F. et al. (Ed.) A marine wildlife sanctuary for the Arabian Gulf: environmental research and conservation following the 1991 Gulf War Oil Spill. pp. 404-420, meer
- Kock, D.; Nader, I.A. (1996). Terrestrial mammals of the Jubail Marine Wildlife Sanctuary, in: Krupp, F. et al. (Ed.) A marine wildlife sanctuary for the Arabian Gulf: environmental research and conservation following the 1991 Gulf War Oil Spill. pp. 421-437, meer
- Robineau, D.; Fiquet, P. (1996). The Cetacea of the Jubail Marine Wildlife Sanctuary, Saudi Arabia, in: Krupp, F. et al. (Ed.) A marine wildlife sanctuary for the Arabian Gulf: environmental research and conservation following the 1991 Gulf War Oil Spill. pp. 438-458, meer
- Esseen, M. (1996). A survey of the fisheries in the Jubail Marine Wildlife Sanctuary, in: Krupp, F. et al. (Ed.) A marine wildlife sanctuary for the Arabian Gulf: environmental research and conservation following the 1991 Gulf War Oil Spill. pp. 459-479, meer
- Webster, R.M. (1996). People, resources and conflicts of interest in the Jubail Marine Wildlife Sanctuary, in: Krupp, F. et al. (Ed.) A marine wildlife sanctuary for the Arabian Gulf: environmental research and conservation following the 1991 Gulf War Oil Spill. pp. 480-495, meer
- Fleming, R.M. (1996). The role of education in marine sanctuary management, in: Krupp, F. et al. (Ed.) A marine wildlife sanctuary for the Arabian Gulf: environmental research and conservation following the 1991 Gulf War Oil Spill. pp. 496-502, meer