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Cormier, A.; Avia, K.; Sterck, L.; Derrien, T.; Wucher, V.; Andres, G.; Monsoor, M.; Godfroy, O.; Lipinska, A.; Perrineau, M.-M.; Van de Peer, Y.; Hitte, C.; Corre, E.; Coelho, S.M.; Cock, J.M. (2017). Re-annotation, improved large-scale assembly and establishment of a catalogue of noncoding loci for the genome of the model brown alga Ectocarpus. New Phytol. 214(1): 219-232., meer
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Zambounis, A.; Elias, M.; Sterck, L.; Maumus, F.; Gachon, C.M.M. (2012). Highly dynamic exon shuffling in candidate pathogen receptors ... What if brown algae were capable of adaptive immunity? Mol. Biol. Evol. 29(4): 1263-1276., meer
Cock, J.M.; Collén, J.; Sterck, L.; Rouzé, P.; Scornet, D.; Anthouard, V.; Artiguenave, F.; Aury, J.-M.; Billiau, K.; Bonnet, E.; Bothwell, J.H.F.; Brillet, L.; Carre, W.; Coelho, S.M.; Corre, E.; Da Silva, C.; Jubin, C.; Martens, C.; Maumus, F.; Miranda-Saavedra, D.; Peters, A.F.; Porcel, B.; Quesneville, H.; Boyen, C.; Van de Peer, Y.; Wincker, P. (2011). Nature, nurture and the structure of macroalgal genomes. Eur. J. Phycol. 46(Supplement 1): 39, meer
Delage, L.; Leblanc, C.; Collen, P.N.; Gschloessl, B.; Oudot, M.-P.; Sterck, L.; Poulain, J.; Aury, J.-M.; Cock, J.M. (2011). In silico survey of the mitochondrial protein uptake and maturation systems in the brown alga Ectocarpus siliculosus. PLoS One 6(5): e19540., meer
Grenville-Briggs, L.; Gachon, C.; Strittmatter, M.; Sterck, L.; Kupper, F.; van West, P. (2011). A molecular insight into algal-oomycete warfare: cDNA analysis of Ectocarpus siliculosus infected with the basal oomycete Eurychasma dicksonii. PLoS One 6(9): e24500., meer
Cock, J.M.; Sterck, L.; Rouzé, P.; Scornet, D.; Allen, A.E.; Amoutzias, G.; Anthouard, V.; Artiguenave, F.; Aury, J.-M.; Badger, J.H.; Beszteri, B.; Billiau, K.; Bonnet, E.; Bothwell, J.H.; Bowler, C.; Boyen, C.; Brownlee, C.; Carrano, C.J.; Charrier, B.; Cho, G.Y.; Coelho, S.M.; Collén, J.; Corre, E.; Da Silva, C.; Delage, L.; Delaroque, N.; Dittami, S.M.; Doulbeau, S.; Elias, M.; Farnham, G.; Gachon, C.M.M.; Gschloessl, B.; Heesch, S.; Jabbari, K.; Jubin, C.; Kawai, H.; Kimura, K.; Kloareg, B.; Küpper, F.C.; Lang, D.; Le Bail, A.; Leblanc, C.; Lerouge, P.; Lohr, M.; Lopez, P.J.; Martens, C.; Maumus, F.; Michel, G.; Miranda-Saavedra, D.; Morales, J.; Moreau, H.; Motomura, T.; Nagasato, C.; Napoli, C.A.; Nelson, D.R.; Nyvall-Collén, P.; Peters, A.F.; Pommier, C.; Potin, Ph.; Poulain, J.; Quesneville, H.; Read, B.; Rensing, S.A.; Ritter, A.; Rousvoal, S.; Samanta, M.; Samson, G.; Schroeder, D.C.; Segurens, B.; Strittmatter, M.; Tonon, T.; Tregear, J.W.; Valentin, K.; von Dassow, P.; Yamagishi, T.; Van de Peer, Y.; Wincker, P. (2010). The Ectocarpus genome and the independent evolution of multicellularity in brown algae. Nature (Lond.) 465(7298): 617-621., meer
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Dittami, S.M.; Scornet, D.; Petit, J.-L.; Segurens, B.; Da Silva, C.; Corre, E.; Dondrup, M.; Glatting, K.-H.; König, R.; Sterck, L.; Rouzé, P.; Van de Peer, Y.; Cock, J.M.; Boyen, C.; Tonon, T. (2009). Global expression analysis of the brown alga Ectocarpus siliculosus (Phaeophyceae) reveals large-scale reprogramming of the transcriptome in response to abiotic stress. Genome Biol. 10(6): R66., meer