- Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ), meer
Functie: wetenschappelijk medewerker - afdeling Communicatie & Informatie
Periode: Vanaf 1st Jun 2010 tot 15th Dec 2010 - UNESCO; UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE (IODE), meer
Functie: Training coördinator
Periode: Vanaf 1st Nov 2005 tot 31st May 2010 |
A1 publicatie [show] |
- Muylaert, K.; Declerck, S.; Geenens, V.; Van Wichelen, J.; Degans, H.; Vandekerkhove, J.; Van Der Gucht, K.; Vloemans, N.; Rommens, W.; Rejas, D.; Urrutia, R.; Sabbe, K.; Gillis, M.; Decleer, K.; De Meester, L.; Vyverman, W. (2003). Zooplankton, phytoplankton and the microbial food web in two turbid and two clearwater shallow lakes in Belgium. Aquat. Ecol. 37(2): 137-150. dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1023988702926, meer
Boekhoofdstukken (3) [show] |
- Arnaud-Haond, S.; Bissada, C.; Araghi, P.E.; Escobar-Briones, E.; Gaill, F.; Kawser, A.; Kenchington, E.; Preston, N.; Procaccini, G.; Ramaiah, N.; Rice, J.; Rogers, A.; Rommens, W.; Senlin, Z.; Thorndyke, M. (2017). Use of marine genetic resources, in: The Group of Experts of the Regular Process (Ed.) The First Global Integrated Marine Assessment: World Ocean Assessment I. pp. 401-408, meer
- Herman, R.; Pissierssens, P.; Rommens, W. (2010). Vlaanderen ondersteunt de prioriteit "Water" in het 'Science program' van Unesco, in: Maes, F. et al. Water: Bron van leven en conflicten. pp. 155-169, meer
- Scott, L.; Ababio, S.; Armah, A.K.; Beebeejaun, M.; Diallo, A.; Dovlo, E.; Hamady, B.O.; Jasmin, R.; Masalu, D.; Maueua, C.; McCord, M.; Mwangi, T.; Odido, M.; On’Ganda, H.; Rommens, W.; Pissierssens, P.; Reed, G.; Sohou, Z.; Wedeinge, J. (2008). How marine data can be presented at a global scale: the African Marine Atlas as a case study, in: Claus, S. et al. (Ed.) Background report Second BeNCoRe Conference: Geographic Information Systems in coastal and marine research and management: opportunities and new perspectives for coastal and marine research, Leuven, 30 May 2008. pp. 35-36, meer
Abstracts (6) [show] |
Rommens, W.; Poussart, J.-N.; Beaudoin, Y. (2011). OCEANIDS: meeting the needs of developing states to explore, analyze and share ocean data, in: Longhorn, R. et al. (Ed.) CoastGIS 2011 5-8 September 2011 Oostende, Belgium. 10th International Symposium on GIS and Computer Mapping for Coastal Management. 2011 Theme: Marine Spatial Planning. Book of Abstracts. pp. 59-60, meer
Pissierssens, P.; Rommens, W.; Brown, M.; Reed, G.; Pikula, L.; Nieuwenhuysen, P. (2010). OceanTeacher: a versatile tool for ocean data and information management training, in: IOC 50 Years of Education and Awareness Raising for Shaping the Future of the Oceans and Coasts. Proceedings of International Conference, Sharing lessons learned and proposing long-term projections (input to the Millennium Development Goals and UN Decade on Education for Sustainable Development), 27-30 April 2010 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation. pp. 282-283, meer
- Rommens, W.; Brown, M.; Reed, G.; Pikula, L.; Nieuwenhuysen, P.; Pissierssens, P. (2010). The OceanTeacher Academy: training in support of marine data and information management worldwide, in: Fichaut, M. et al. (Ed.) International Marine Data and Information Systems Conference IMDIS 2010, 29-31 March 2010, Paris, France: Book of abstracts. pp. 209, meer
- Vladymyrov, V.; Brown, M.; Rommens, W.; Hernandez, F.; Cattrijsse, A. (2010). New type of the Ocean Data Management Training for Young Scientists: from measurement to product, in: Fichaut, M. et al. (Ed.) International Marine Data and Information Systems Conference IMDIS 2010, 29-31 March 2010, Paris, France: Book of abstracts. pp. 211-212, meer
Rommens, W.; Pissierssens, P. (2008). IODE capacity building in Ocean Data and Information Networks (ODINs): current status and challenges for the future, in: Iona, Sissy et al. (Ed.) International Marine Data and Information Systems Conference IMDIS-2008, 31 March - 2 April 2008, Athens, Greece: Book of abstracts. pp. 221, meer
Rommens, W.; Brown, M.; Vladymyrov, V. (2006). The IOC Project Office for IODE: the benefits for local marine scientists, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 31 March 2006: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 30: pp. 18, meer
Rapporten (3) [show] |
Rommens, W.; Hauquier, F. (2020). MER voor de extractie van mariene aggregaten in het Belgisch deel van de Noordzee. ARCADIS Belgium nv/Zeegra vzw | Afdeling Kust | Afdeling Maritieme Toegang: Gent. 317 + 7 kaarten pp., meer
Volckaert, A.; Rommens, W. (2018). Update socio-economic analysis of the use of the Belgian marine waters and of the cost of degradation. Marine Strategy Framework Directive - Art. 8.1.c. Final Version V6.0 [Openbare raadpleging]. ARCADIS Belgium nv: Gent. 105 + (15 p. Dutch summary) pp., meer
- De Smedt, P.; Rommens, W.; Declerck, S.; Vyverman, W.; Peeters, B.; Belpaire, C.; Denayer, B.; De Meester, L.; Van Assche, J.; Ollevier, F. (1997). Ecologisch onderzoek in en rond het erkend natuurreservaat 'De Blankaart'. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven: Leuven. 91 pp., meer
Overige publicatie [show] |
- Rommens, W. (2007). Wat leren de oceanen ons over klimaatsverandering? Symposium presentation. IOC Project Office for IODE: Oostende. 19 pp., meer