( 1 peer reviewed ) opsplitsen filter
Svavarsson, J.; Osore, M.K.W.; Olafsson, E. (2002). Does the wood-borer Sphaeroma terebrans (Crustacea) shape the distribution of the mangrove Rhizophora mucronata? Ambio 31(7-8): 574-579, meer
- Brix, S.; Martínez, P.; Svavarsson, J.; Kenning, M.; Jennings, R.M.; Holst, S.; Cannon, J.T.; Henningsen Eilertsen, M.; Schnurr, S.; Jeskulke, K.; Hoffmann, S. (2013). IceAGE - Icelandic marine Animals: Genetics and Ecology, Cruise No. POS456, IceAGE2, 20.07.2013 – 04.08.2013, Kiel (Germany) - Reykjavik (Iceland). Deutsche Zentrum für Marine Biodiversitätsforschung, Senckenberg am Meer: Wilhelmshaven. 17 pp., meer