Adres: 5 rue d'Egmont
1000 Bruxelles België
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Type: Wetenschappelijk
Publicaties (4) |
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( 3 peer reviewed ) opsplitsen filter
Abad, J.; Sequeiros, O.; Spinewine, B.; Pirmez, C.; Garcia, M.; Parker, G. (2011). Secondary current of saline underflow in a highly meandering channel: Experiments and theory. J. Sedim. Res. 81(11-12): 787-813., meer
Sequeiros, O.; Spinewine, B.; Garcia, M.; Beaubouef, R.; Sun, T.; Parker, G. (2009). Experiments on wedge-shaped deep sea sedimentary deposits in minibasins and/or on channel levees emplaced by turbidity currents. Part I. Documentation of the flow. J. Sedim. Res. 79(7-8): 593-607., meer
Spinewine, B.; Sequeiros, O.; Garcia, M.; Beaubouef, R.; Sun, T.; Savoye, B.; Parker, G. (2009). Experiments on wedge-shaped deep sea sedimentary deposits in minibasins and/or on channel levees emplaced by turbidity currents. Part II. Morphodynamic evolution of the wedge and of the associated bedforms. J. Sedim. Res. 79(7-8): 608-628., meer
- Sommé, J.; Paepe, R.; Baeteman, C.; Beyens, L.; Cunat, N.; Geeraerts, R.; Hardy, A.F.; Hus, J.; Juvigné, E.; Mathieu, L.; Thorez, J.; Vanhoorne, R. (1978). La formation d'Herzeele: un nouveau stratotype du pleistocene moyen marin de la mer du Nord. Bull. Assoc. fr. étude quat. 15(54-55-56): 81-149, meer
Projecten (11) |
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- Applications of new isotopic systems Cu, Zn, Fe in complement with Pb isotopes to trace metal supplies in continental anthropogenic (Schelde Estuary) and natural environments (Peats in Fagnes), meer
- Biodiversité et importance morphologique, biochimique, génétique et écologique des polypores tropicaux, meer
- Carbon and nutrients cycles in the inner Scheldt estuary (Sainte-Anna), meer
- Early detection of eutrophication and trace metal pollution on marine Mediterranean ecosystem, meer
- ERA-CAPS: ERA-NET for Coordinating Action in Plant Sciences, meer
- ERICON-AB: The European polar research icebreaker consortium Aurora Borealis, meer
- EUROPOLAR: The European Polar Consortium: strategic coordination and networking of European polar RTD programmes, meer
- RACE: Rapid Assessment of the Coastal Environment, meer
- Responses of the Posidonia oceanica meadows to anthropogenic activities: biodiversity epigenous biocenosis (photophile and sciaphile populations), vitality and microcontaminants loads of the shoots, meer
- SBEP: Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership, meer
- Study and modelling of DMSP production and its conversion into DMS by North Sea specific phytoplankton, meer