MARE is an interdisciplinary social-science institute studying the use and management of marine resources. Its objective is to provide a stimulating intellectual climate for academics and policymakers in Europe as well as in the South. Although MARE limits its action radius to the social sciences, it seeks active collaboration with other disciplines. It strives to maintain a balanced mix of academic and policy-oriented research. MARE takes a global perspective, emphasizing the coastal zones of Europe, Asia, and Africa. It covers a broad spectrum of topics, drawing on expertise from fields such as law, history, economics, political science, public administration, anthropology, and geography.
MARE was established by the Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam Institute for Metropolitan and International Development Studies (AMIDSt) and the Amsterdam School for Social Science Research (ASSR) and SISWO (Netherlands Institute for Social Science Research). In 2001 The chairgroup of Rural Development Sociology (RDS) of Wageningen University (WUR) also became a partner in MARE. In December 2007 the Environmental Policy Group (ENP) and the Law and Governance Group (LAW) of Wageningen Universtity also became partners of MARE. Now MARE is affiliated with AMIDST, ASSR, RDS, ENP and LAW. |