Molecular phylogenetics and evolution of long-looped brachiopods
Saito, M.; Endo, K.; Cohen, B.L. (2001). Molecular phylogenetics and evolution of long-looped brachiopods, in: Brunton, C.H.C. et al. (Ed.) Brachiopods past and present. The Systematics Association Special Volume Series, 63: pp. 129-137
In: Brunton, C.H.C.; Cocks, L.R.M.; Long, S.L. (Ed.) (2001). Brachiopods past and present. Systematics Association Special Volume Series, 63. Taylor & Francis: London. ISBN 0-748-40921-1. XII, 441 pp., meer
In: Warren, A. Systematics Association Special Volume Series. Taylor & Francis: London. , meer