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Oceanography: Contemporary readings in ocean sciences
Pirie, R.G. (Ed.) (1996). Oceanography: Contemporary readings in ocean sciences. Third edition. Oxford University Press: New York. ISBN 0-19-508-768-2. 425 pp.

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  • Pirie, R.G., redacteur

  • Marx, R. (1996). The early history of diving, in: Pirie, R.G. (Ed.) Oceanography: contemporary readings in ocean sciences. pp. 3-22, meer
  • Melamed, Y.; Shupak, A.; Bitterman, H. (1996). Medical problems associated with underwater diving, in: Pirie, R.G. (Ed.) Oceanography: contemporary readings in ocean sciences. pp. 23-31, meer
  • Charnock, H. (1996). H.M.S. Challenger and the development of marine science, in: Pirie, R.G. (Ed.) Oceanography: contemporary readings in ocean sciences. pp. 32-40, meer
  • Wiebe, P.H.; Moran, D.D.; Knox, R.; Miller, C.B.; McGowan, J.A. (1996). Long-range needs for deep-sea platforms: the deep-sea observatory concept, in: Pirie, R.G. (Ed.) Oceanography: contemporary readings in ocean sciences. pp. 41-51, meer
  • Walsh, D. (1996). Undersea satellites: the commercialization of AUVs, in: Pirie, R.G. (Ed.) Oceanography: contemporary readings in ocean sciences. pp. 52-64, meer
  • Gould, W.J. (1996). Update: World Ocean Circulation Experiment, in: Pirie, R.G. (Ed.) Oceanography: contemporary readings in ocean sciences. pp. 67-71, meer
  • Philander, G. (1996). El Niño and La Niña, in: Pirie, R.G. (Ed.) Oceanography: contemporary readings in ocean sciences. pp. 72-87, meer
  • Richardson, P.L. (1996). Tracking ocean eddies, in: Pirie, R.G. (Ed.) Oceanography: contemporary readings in ocean sciences. pp. 88-104, meer
  • Quay, P. (1996). Carbon sink and the oceans, in: Pirie, R.G. (Ed.) Oceanography: contemporary readings in ocean sciences. pp. 105-107, meer
  • Jensen, J.J.; Hovermale, J. (1996). Numerical air/sea environmental prediction, in: Pirie, R.G. (Ed.) Oceanography: contemporary readings in ocean sciences. pp. 108-114, meer
  • Parker, B.B. (1996). Sea level as an indicator of climate and global change, in: Pirie, R.G. (Ed.) Oceanography: contemporary readings in ocean sciences. pp. 115-129, meer
  • Roemmich, D. (1996). Ocean warming and sea level rise along the southwest US coast, in: Pirie, R.G. (Ed.) Oceanography: contemporary readings in ocean sciences. pp. 130-133, meer
  • King, J.C. (1996). Global warming and Antarctica, in: Pirie, R.G. (Ed.) Oceanography: contemporary readings in ocean sciences. pp. 134-140, meer
  • Stanley, D.J.; Warne, A.G. (1996). Worldwide initiation of Holocene marine deltas by deceleration of sea-level rise, in: Pirie, R.G. (Ed.) Oceanography: contemporary readings in ocean sciences. pp. 143-150, meer
  • Ocean Drilling Program-LEG 143 Scientific Party (1996). History of Pacific guyots uncovered, in: Pirie, R.G. (Ed.) Oceanography: contemporary readings in ocean sciences. pp. 151-154, meer
  • Lutz, R.A.; Kennish, M.J. (1996). Ecology of deep-sea hydrothermal vent communities: a review, in: Pirie, R.G. (Ed.) Oceanography: contemporary readings in ocean sciences. pp. 155-191, meer
  • Angel, M.V. (1996). Biodiversity of the pelagic ocean, in: Pirie, R.G. (Ed.) Oceanography: contemporary readings in ocean sciences. pp. 192-206, meer
  • Klimley, A.P. (1996). The predatory behavior of the White Shark, in: Pirie, R.G. (Ed.) Oceanography: contemporary readings in ocean sciences. pp. 207-224, meer
  • Seachrist, L. (1996). Sea turtles master migration with magnetic memories, in: Pirie, R.G. (Ed.) Oceanography: contemporary readings in ocean sciences. pp. 225-227, meer
  • Baker, C.S.; Palumbi, S.R. (1996). Which whales are hunted? A molecular genetic approach to monitoring whaling, in: Pirie, R.G. (Ed.) Oceanography: contemporary readings in ocean sciences. pp. 228-231, meer
  • Hallock, P.; Müller-Karger, F.E.; Halas, J.C. (1996). Anthropogenic nutrients and the degradation of Western Atlantic and Caribbean coral reefs, in: Pirie, R.G. (Ed.) Oceanography: contemporary readings in ocean sciences. pp. 232-249, meer
  • Atwood, D.K.; Hendee, J.C.; Mendez, A. (1996). An assessment of global warming stress on Caribbean coral reef ecosystems, in: Pirie, R.G. (Ed.) Oceanography: contemporary readings in ocean sciences. pp. 250-262, meer
  • Banse, K. (1996). Mermaids: their biology, culture and demise, in: Pirie, R.G. (Ed.) Oceanography: contemporary readings in ocean sciences. pp. 263-268, meer
  • Culotta, E. (1996). Red menace in the World's oceans, in: Pirie, R.G. (Ed.) Oceanography: contemporary readings in ocean sciences. pp. 269-271, meer
  • Seliger, H.H. (1996). Bioluminescence: excited states under cover of darkness, in: Pirie, R.G. (Ed.) Oceanography: contemporary readings in ocean sciences. pp. 272-280, meer
  • (1996). US Ocean Resources 2000: a national plan for growth, in: Pirie, R.G. (Ed.) Oceanography: contemporary readings in ocean sciences. pp. 283-292, meer
  • Sissenwine, M.P.; Rosenberg, A.A. (1996). Marine fisheries at a critical juncture, in: Pirie, R.G. (Ed.) Oceanography: contemporary readings in ocean sciences. pp. 293-302, meer
  • Nicol, S.; de la Mare, W. (1996). Ecosystem management and the Antarctic krill, in: Pirie, R.G. (Ed.) Oceanography: contemporary readings in ocean sciences. pp. 303-319, meer
  • Fridley, R.B. (1996). Marine aquaculture: opportunities for growth, in: Pirie, R.G. (Ed.) Oceanography: contemporary readings in ocean sciences. pp. 320-329, meer
  • Rumsey, G.L. (1996). Fish meal and alternate sources of protein in fish feeds, in: Pirie, R.G. (Ed.) Oceanography: contemporary readings in ocean sciences. pp. 330-335, meer
  • Kvenvolden, K.A. (1996). Gas hydrates: geological perspective and global change, in: Pirie, R.G. (Ed.) Oceanography: contemporary readings in ocean sciences. pp. 336-357, meer
  • Wadhams, P. (1996). The resource potential of Antarctic icebergs, in: Pirie, R.G. (Ed.) Oceanography: contemporary readings in ocean sciences. pp. 358-373, meer
  • Frankel, E.G. (1996). The call of the islands, in: Pirie, R.G. (Ed.) Oceanography: contemporary readings in ocean sciences. pp. 374-377, meer
  • Fang, C.S. (1996). Petroleum drilling and production operations in the Gulf of Mexico, in: Pirie, R.G. (Ed.) Oceanography: contemporary readings in ocean sciences. pp. 381-392, meer
  • US Congress (1996). Oil spill response technologies, in: Pirie, R.G. (Ed.) Oceanography: contemporary readings in ocean sciences. pp. 393-406, meer
  • Galt, J.A.; Lehr, W.J.; Payton, D.L. (1996). Fate and transport of the Exxon Valdez oil spill, in: Pirie, R.G. (Ed.) Oceanography: contemporary readings in ocean sciences. pp. 407-416, meer
  • Michel, J. (1996). The Exxon Valdez oil spill: status of the shoreline, in: Pirie, R.G. (Ed.) Oceanography: contemporary readings in ocean sciences. pp. 417-421, meer

    This is the third edition of a well-received supplementary text first published in 1973. Completely revised and updated, this new edition of this highly acclaimed anthology about the world's oceans includes 37 articles and essays, most published after 1990, by over fifty of the world's leading ocean scientists. Based on the outline for an introductory course in oceanography, the new edition includes several articles that address important recent developments in the field, including global research programs dealing with ocean circulation, sea level, climate, and deltas. Other articles discuss advances in marine technology and challenge the way world communities manage their oceans. Several contemporary articles describe continuing research in the field and in the laboratory in such areas as sea level and climate change, and gas hydrates. Designed to provide supplemental reading on current research topics the book features a balance of categories, and the articles vary in terms of technical difficulty, providing students and instructors with the opportunity for in-depth discussions of research strategies and methodologies.

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