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Cernuella jonica (Mousson, 1854) (Gastropoda: Helicidae: Helicellinae), een voor Nederland nieuwe landslak
de Bruyne, R.H. (1986). Cernuella jonica (Mousson, 1854) (Gastropoda: Helicidae: Helicellinae), een voor Nederland nieuwe landslak . Basteria 50(1-3): 65-67
In: Basteria: Tijdschrift van de Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging. Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging: Leiden; Lisse. ISSN 0005-6219, meer
Peer reviewed article  

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    Distribution > Geographical distribution
    Gastropoda [WoRMS]; Helicidae Rafinesque, 1815 [WoRMS]; Mollusca [WoRMS]
    Nederland [Marine Regions]

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  • de Bruyne, R.H., meer

    In November 1983, shells of Cernuella jonica (Mousson, 1854) were collected in a small area in the dunes near Zandvoort (Province of Noord-Holland, The Netherlands). In October 1984, living specimens were collected at the same locality and in October 1985 the species was still present. In NW. Europe C. jonica was only known from the dunes in SW. Belgium; originally the species was restricted to the northeastern Mediterranean countries.

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