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Philippine marine mollusks: I. (Gastropoda - Part 1)
Poppe, G.T. (2008). Philippine marine mollusks: I. (Gastropoda - Part 1). ConchBooks: Hackenheim. ISBN 978-3-939767-08-5. 759 pp.
Is voortgezet als:
Poppe, G.T. (2008). Philippine marine mollusks: II. (Gastropoda - Part 2). ConchBooks: Hackenheim. ISBN 978-3-939767-17-6. 848 pp., meer

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    VLIZ: Mollusca (General) MOL.322 [104049]


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    Philippine Marine Mollusks Vol I, II and III are setting the modern standards for Marine Indo Pacific Mollusks in general. They are a summary of the confirmed knowledge on Philippine marine mollusks and cover all groups of mollusks, including nudibranches. The books cover over 3600 species and count about 10,000 photographs on approximately 850 color plates in A4 format. Hundreds of species are shown alive with underwater photographs. The Volume covers all families from the Patellogastropoda down to the Cerithiopsidae. Authors in this volume, with their respective families, are: * Axel Alf : Architectonicidae and Turbinidae. * Patrick Anseeuw: Pleurotomariidae. * Alan Beu: Bursidae, Personidae and Ranellidae. * Philippe Bouchet: Abyssochrysidae, dialidae, Litiopidae, Pachychilida, Plesiotrochidae, Scaliolidae, Skeneidae. * Lenny Brown: Epitoniidae. * Tom Eichhorst: Neritidae. * Dirk Fehse: Eratoidae, Ovulidae, Pediculariidae, Triviidae. * Daniel L. Geiger: Anatomidae, Haliotidae, Scissurellidae. * Yoshihiro Goto: Pleurotomariidae. * Frederick Govaert: Geology of the Philippines. * Michael Hollmann: Naticidae. * Kurt Kreipl: Cassidae, Turbinidae, Xenophoridae. * Gijs Kronenberg: Personidae, Rostellariidae, Seraphsidae, Strombidae. * Pierre Lozouet: Batillariidae, Planaxidae, Potamididae. * James McLean: Liotiidae. * Kevin Monsecour: Angariidae. * Luc Segers: Ranellidae. * Ellen Strong: Abyssochrysidae, Atlantidae, Cerithiidae, Dialidae, Litiopidae Pachychilidae, Plesiotrochidae. * Sheila Tagaro: Calliostomatidae, Cerithiidae, Chilodontidae, Seguenziidae, Stomatiidae, Trochidae. * Noel Vandenberghe: Geology of the Philippines. * Chris Vos: Tonnidae. * Anders Warèn: Eulimidae. * All other families: Guido T. Poppe. A short bibliography and a practical index close the Volume I. The work is indispensable in the basic conchological library and is a starting point for research on almost all families. The Volume I is made in high quality paper and is hardbound.

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