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Polychaeta as a world resource: a review of patterns of exploitation as sea angling baits and the potential for aquaculture based production
Olive, P.J.W. (1994). Polychaeta as a world resource: a review of patterns of exploitation as sea angling baits and the potential for aquaculture based production. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 603-610
In: Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle. Série A, Zoologie. Editions du Muséum: Paris. ISSN 0078-9747, meer
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    Aquatic organisms > Marine organisms > Aquatic animals > Marine invertebrates
    Taxa > Species > Commercial species

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  • Olive, P.J.W., meer

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