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No extinctions during Oceanic Anoxic Event 1b: the Aptian-Albian benthic foraminiferal record of ODP Leg 171
Holbourn, A.; Kuhnt, W. (2001). No extinctions during Oceanic Anoxic Event 1b: the Aptian-Albian benthic foraminiferal record of ODP Leg 171, in: Kroon, D. et al. (Ed.) Western North Atlantic Palaeogene and Cretaceous palaeoceanography. Geological Society Special Publication, 183: pp. 73-92
In: Kroon, D.; Norris, R.D.; Klaus, A. (Ed.) (2001). Western North Atlantic Palaeogene and Cretaceous palaeoceanography. Geological Society Special Publication, 183. The Geological Society (London): Bath. ISBN 1-86239-078-9. 319 pp., meer
In: Hartley, A.J. et al. (Ed.) Geological Society Special Publication. Geological Society of London: Oxford; London; Edinburgh; Boston, Mass.; Carlton, Vic.. ISSN 0305-8719; e-ISSN 2041-4927, meer

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