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Ocean sciences bridging the millennia: A spectrum of historical accounts
Morcos, S.; Zhu, M.; Charlier, R.H.; Gerges, M.; Kullenberg, G.; Lenz, W.; Lu, M.; Zou, E.; Wright, G. (Ed.) (2004). Ocean sciences bridging the millennia: A spectrum of historical accounts. China Ocean Press/UNESCO: Paris. ISBN 7-5027-6119-5. XXI, 507 pp.

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    VLIZ: Descriptive Oceanography DES.25 [101585]


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  • Morcos, S., redacteur
  • Zhu, M., redacteur
  • Charlier, R.H., redacteur, meer
  • Gerges, M., redacteur
  • Kullenberg, G., redacteur
  • Lenz, W., redacteur
  • Lu, M., redacteur
  • Zou, E., redacteur
  • Wright, G., redacteur

  • Wallace, W.J. (2004). Gay-Lussac: the first chemical oceanographer?, in: Morcos, S. et al. (Ed.) Ocean sciences bridging the millennia: a spectrum of historical accounts. pp. 3-11, meer
  • Poisson, A. (2004). Gay-Lussac, Joseph Louis (1778-1850): a biographical note, in: Morcos, S. et al. (Ed.) Ocean sciences bridging the millennia: a spectrum of historical accounts. pp. 13-15, meer
  • Svansson, A. (2004). Otto Petterson the oceanographer (1848-1941): extracts from a biography in preparation, in: Morcos, S. et al. (Ed.) Ocean sciences bridging the millennia: a spectrum of historical accounts. pp. 17-28, meer
  • Lenz, J. (2004). Victor Hensen (1835-1924): founder of quantitative plankton research, in: Morcos, S. et al. (Ed.) Ocean sciences bridging the millennia: a spectrum of historical accounts. pp. 29-33, meer
  • Taniguchi, A. (2004). Biological oceanography: the present revisits the past: return to Victor Hensen's idea (late 19th century), in: Morcos, S. et al. (Ed.) Ocean sciences bridging the millennia: a spectrum of historical accounts. pp. 35-43, meer
  • McGraw, D.J. (2004). Claude ZoBell and the foundations of marine microbiology (1933-1939), in: Morcos, S. et al. (Ed.) Ocean sciences bridging the millennia: a spectrum of historical accounts. pp. 45-61, meer
  • Marsden, R.R.G. (2004). Discovery Committee work in the Southern Ocean (1925-39): Scientific? Economic? Political?, in: Morcos, S. et al. (Ed.) Ocean sciences bridging the millennia: a spectrum of historical accounts. pp. 65-78, meer
  • Morcos, S.A. (2004). Data set of John Murray/Mabahiss Expedition to the Indian Ocean (1933-1934), in: Morcos, S. et al. (Ed.) Ocean sciences bridging the millennia: a spectrum of historical accounts. pp. 79-102, meer
  • Yang, Y. (2004). The voyages of China's Zheng He and major European oceanic 'discoveries': expanding seapower linked east and west, in: Morcos, S. et al. (Ed.) Ocean sciences bridging the millennia: a spectrum of historical accounts. pp. 103-112, meer
  • Suzyumov, A.E. (2004). Russian ocean exploration and science - European involvement: an introductory note, in: Morcos, S. et al. (Ed.) Ocean sciences bridging the millennia: a spectrum of historical accounts. pp. 113-115, meer
  • Rostov, I.D. (2004). Russian Pacific Ocean exploration and the early stages of hydrography and oceanography (17th-19th c.): a summary, in: Morcos, S. et al. (Ed.) Ocean sciences bridging the millennia: a spectrum of historical accounts. pp. 117-125, meer
  • Lajus, J.A. (2004). Early years of biological oceanography in the Russian North: Murman Scientific-Fishery Expedition (1898-1908), in: Morcos, S. et al. (Ed.) Ocean sciences bridging the millennia: a spectrum of historical accounts. pp. 127-131, meer
  • Nelezin, A.D. (2004). Notes on FERHRI investigations in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, in: Morcos, S. et al. (Ed.) Ocean sciences bridging the millennia: a spectrum of historical accounts. pp. 133-136, meer
  • Smed, J. (2004). The founding of ICES-prelude, personalities and politics: Stockholm (1899); Christiania (1901); Copenhagen (1902), in: Morcos, S. et al. (Ed.) Ocean sciences bridging the millennia: a spectrum of historical accounts. pp. 139-162, meer
  • Smed, J. (2004). Early plans for an international synoptic investigation of North Atlantic deep water, in: Morcos, S. et al. (Ed.) Ocean sciences bridging the millennia: a spectrum of historical accounts. pp. 163-178, meer
  • Zore-Armanda, M. (2004). Development of Mediterranean physical oceanography: an overview, in: Morcos, S. et al. Ocean sciences bridging the millennia: A spectrum of historical accounts. pp. 179-195, meer
  • Morcos, S.A.; Smed, J.; Svansson, A. (2004). The eel and Mediterranean oceanography: a Danish contribution to ocean science, in: Morcos, S. et al. (Ed.) Ocean sciences bridging the millennia: a spectrum of historical accounts. pp. 197-207, meer
  • Bologa, A.S. (2004). Development of marine biological institutions around the Black Sea: an overview, in: Morcos, S. et al. (Ed.) Ocean sciences bridging the millennia: a spectrum of historical accounts. pp. 209-222, meer
  • Tokarev, Y.N. (2004). Black Sea marine biological institutions of the Ukraine: a historical review, in: Morcos, S. et al. (Ed.) Ocean sciences bridging the millennia: a spectrum of historical accounts. pp. 223-228, meer
  • Lutjeharms, J.; Kortum, G. (2004). The influence of German marine research on South African physical oceanography since 1890, in: Morcos, S. et al. (Ed.) Ocean sciences bridging the millennia: a spectrum of historical accounts. pp. 229-249, meer
  • Kortum, G. (2004). The naval observatory in Tsingtau (Qingdao), 1897-1914: German background and influence, in: Morcos, S. et al. (Ed.) Ocean sciences bridging the millennia: a spectrum of historical accounts. pp. 251-267, meer
  • Pohlmann, T.; Lenz, W. (2004). Sino-German cooperation in marine science and technology since 1986, in: Morcos, S. et al. (Ed.) Ocean sciences bridging the millennia: a spectrum of historical accounts. pp. 269-275, meer
  • Charlier, R.H.; Bruun, P.; Chaineux, M.-C.P.; Morcos, S. (2004). Since when coastal protections?, in: Morcos, S. et al. (Ed.) Ocean sciences bridging the millennia: a spectrum of historical accounts. pp. 283-302, meer
  • Xin, Y. (2004). Impact of ancient Chinese nautical inventions on traditional navigation, in: Morcos, S. et al. (Ed.) Ocean sciences bridging the millennia: a spectrum of historical accounts. pp. 303-313, meer
  • Charlier, R.H.; Ménanteau, L.; Chaineux, M.C.P. (2004). The rise and fall of the tide mill, in: Morcos, S. et al. (Ed.) Ocean sciences bridging the millennia: a spectrum of historical accounts. pp. 315-338, meer
  • Wallace, W.J. (2004). The lighthouses of China, in: Morcos, S. et al. (Ed.) Ocean sciences bridging the millennia: a spectrum of historical accounts. pp. 341-345, meer
  • Hou, G.; Zhou, L.; Lu, H. (2004). China's offshore oil industry: role of international cooperation in development, in: Morcos, S. et al. (Ed.) Ocean sciences bridging the millennia: a spectrum of historical accounts. pp. 347-352, meer
  • Xu, J.; Liu, D.; Zhang, X. (2004). Submarine cable development in China, in: Morcos, S. et al. (Ed.) Ocean sciences bridging the millennia: a spectrum of historical accounts. pp. 353-358, meer
  • Tan, C.; Li, S.; Lin, C. (2004). Zhejiang Province, China: public services and ocean management, in: Morcos, S. et al. (Ed.) Ocean sciences bridging the millennia: a spectrum of historical accounts. pp. 359-365, meer
  • Charlier, R.H. (2004). Thirteen decades of biological oceanography in Belgium: some highlights (1840s to 1970s), in: Morcos, S. et al. (Ed.) Ocean sciences bridging the millennia: a spectrum of historical accounts. pp. 369-383, meer
  • Charlier, R.H. (2004). Cetaceans and Belgian whalers: a brief historical review, in: Morcos, S. et al. (Ed.) Ocean sciences bridging the millennia: a spectrum of historical accounts. pp. 385-397, meer
  • Chen, H. (2004). Marine microbiological research in China (1950-1990), in: Morcos, S. et al. (Ed.) Ocean sciences bridging the millennia: a spectrum of historical accounts. pp. 399-405, meer
  • Kimor, B. (2004). Historical aspects of plankton research in the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea, in: Morcos, S. et al. (Ed.) Ocean sciences bridging the millennia: a spectrum of historical accounts. pp. 407-422, meer
  • Perumal, P. (2004). Marine biological research in Tamil Nadu: four decades of scientific progress along the southeast coast of India, in: Morcos, S. et al. (Ed.) Ocean sciences bridging the millennia: a spectrum of historical accounts. pp. 423-426, meer
  • Srivastava, P.S. (2004). Oceanography development in India after discovery of 'Bombay High' offshore oil deposit, in: Morcos, S. et al. (Ed.) Ocean sciences bridging the millennia: a spectrum of historical accounts. pp. 427-429, meer
  • Chen, Z.; Zuo, J.; Yu, Y. (2004). Ocean tidal studies in ancient and modern China: an outline, in: Morcos, S. et al. (Ed.) Ocean sciences bridging the millennia: a spectrum of historical accounts. pp. 431-438, meer
  • Wang, J.; Feng, S.; Sun, W. (2004). Storm surge research at Ocean University of Qingdao (1971-1998), in: Morcos, S. et al. (Ed.) Ocean sciences bridging the millennia: a spectrum of historical accounts. pp. 439-445, meer
  • Zhu, M.; Li, R.; Xia, B. (2004). Marine biodiversity in China: recent threats and conservation measures, in: Morcos, S. et al. (Ed.) Ocean sciences bridging the millennia: a spectrum of historical accounts. pp. 449-456, meer
  • Yu, Q. (2004). Coastal hazards in China’s Bohai Sea region: their mitigation towards sustainable development, in: Morcos, S. et al. (Ed.) Ocean sciences bridging the millennia: a spectrum of historical accounts. pp. 457-464, meer
  • Yao, M. (2004). Ocean science and technology development in Qingdao, in: Morcos, S. et al. (Ed.) Ocean sciences bridging the millennia: a spectrum of historical accounts. pp. 465-469, meer

    Dit boek bundelt de belangrijkste papers die tijdens het congres naar voren werden gebracht door vooraanstaande experts. De papers zijn in acht thematische hoofdstukken onderverdeeld. Er wordt begonnen met een hoofdstuk waarin een aantal voor de geschiedenis van de oceanografie belangrijke oceanografen voorgesteld worden. Daarna volgen hoofdstukken met papers over expedities en exploraties, regionale en bilaterale samenwerking, de band tussen de mens en de zee, en de natuurlijke rijkdommen van de zee. Dan volgt een hoofdstuk met nationale bijdragen, waaronder een overzicht van 13 decennia biologische oceanografie in België. Afgesloten wordt er met een hoofdstuk met papers over hedendaagse Chinese kwesties i.v.m. oceanografie en een hoofdstuk met boodschappen uit de internationale gemeenschap over het belang van oceanografie. Daarbij is het laatste woord voor Vlaanderen, met een voorstelling van de belangrijkste activiteiten van de administratie Wetenschap en Innovatie van het ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap.

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