one publication added to basket [38232] | Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996
Dahlin, H.; Dybern, B.; Petersson, S. (2003). Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257. ICES: Copenhagen. 334 pp.
Deel van: ICES Cooperative Research Report. ICES: Copenhagen. ISSN 1017-6195, meer
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Aquatic sciences > Marine sciences Conferences ANE, Baltic [Marine Regions] Marien/Kust |
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- Dahlin, H., meer
- Dybern, B.
- Petersson, S., meer
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- Syvokienë, J.; Mickeniene, L. (2003). Micro-organisms in the digestive tracts of Baltic fish, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 3-7, meer
- Nehring, D.; Nausch, G. (2003). Fertiliser consumption in the catchment area and eutrophication of the Baltic Sea, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 8-12, meer
- Nausch, G.; Kerstan, E. (2003). Chemical and biological interactions in mixing gradients in the Pomeranian Bight, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 13-20, meer
- Jermakovs, V.; Cederwall, H. (2003). Distribution and morphological parameters of the polychaete Marenzelleria viridis population in the Gulf of Riga, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 21-28, meer
- Schubert, H.; Schlüter, L.; Feuerpfeil, P. (2003). The ecophysiological consequences of the underwater light climate in a shallow Baltic estuary, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 29-37, meer
- Sapota, G. (2003). Chlorinated hydrocarbons in marine biota and sediments from the Gulf of Gdansk, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 38-43, meer
- Skwarzec, B.; Stepnowski, P. (2003). Polonium, uranium, and plutonium in the southern Baltic ecosystem, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 44-48, meer
- Urbanski, J.A. (2003). The application of dynamic segmentation in coastal vulnerability mapping, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 49-55, meer
- Szczepanska, T.; Sokolowski, K. (2003). Variability of the chemical composition of interstitial water of surficial bottom sediments in the region of the Gdansk Deep, Gdansk Bay, and Puck Bay, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 56-65, meer
- Maksymowska, D.; Jankowska, H.; Oldakowski, B. (2003). Geological conditions in the artificial pits of the western part of the Gulf of Gdansk, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 66-77, meer
- Jensen, J.B.; Kuijpers, A.; Lemke, W. (2003). Seabed sediments and current-induced bedforms in the Fehmarn Belt-Arkona Basin, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 78-84, meer
- Bojanowski, R.; Radecki, Z.; Uscinowicz, S.; Knapinska-Skiba, D. (2003). Penetration of caesium-137 into sandy sediments of the Baltic Sea, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 85-89, meer
- Dannenberger, D.; Lerz, A. (2003). Organochlorines in surface sediments and cores of the western Baltic and inner coastal waters of Mecklenburg-west Pomerania, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 90-95, meer
- Kuten, N.; Klagish, B.; Goldfarb, Y. (2003). Lithology and stratigraphy of glacial deposits in the Sambian-Kura area of the Baltic Sea, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 96-106, meer
- Bradtke, K.; Latala, A. (2003). Particle size distributions in the Gulf of Gdansk, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 107-113, meer
- Larsen, B.; Pertillä, M. (2003). Sediment monitoring in the Baltic Sea: results of the Baltic Sea Sediment Baseline Study, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 114-117, meer
- Kaniewski, E.; Otremba, Z.; Stelmaszewski, A.; Szczepanska, T. (2003). Oil pollution in the sediments of the southern Baltic, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 118-120, meer
- Witt, G.; Schramm, K.W.; Henkelmann, B. (2003). Occurrence and distribution of organic micropollutants in sediments of the western Baltic Sea and the inner coastal waters of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Germany), in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 121-125, meer
- Christiansen, C.; Kunzerdorf, H.; Emeis, K.-C.; Struck, U.; Endler, R.; Benesch, D.; Neumann, T.; Sivkov, V. (2003). Sedimentation rate variabilities in the eastern Gotland Basin, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 126-133, meer
- Endler, R.; Emeis, K.-C.; Förster, T. (2003). Acoustic images of Gotland Basin sediments, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 134-137, meer
- Alenius, P. (2003). Water exchange, nutrients, hydrography, and database of the Gulf of Riga, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 138-141, meer
- (2003). BASYS: Baltic Sea System Study, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 142-144, meer
- Chomka, M.; Petelski, T. (2003). The sea aerosol emission from the coastal zone, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 145-150, meer
- Chubarenko, B.V.; Chubarenko, I.P. (2003). The transport of Baltic water along the deep channel in the Gulf of Kaliningrad and its influence on field of salinity and suspended solids, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 151-156, meer
- Fonselius, S. (2003). Baltic research in a wider perspective, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 157-167, meer
- Graeve, M.; Wodarg, D. (2003). Seasonal and spatial variability of major organic contaminants in solution and suspension of the Pomeranian Bight, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 168-173, meer
- Hagen, E.; Emeis, K.-C.; Zülicke, Ch. (2003). GOBEX: Gotland Basin Experiment: a European research initiative, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 174-178, meer
- Jakobsen, F.; Petersen, N.H.; Petersen, H.M.; Møller, J.S.; Schmidt, T.; Seifert, T. (2003). Hydrographic investigations in the Fehmarn Belt in connection with the planning of the Fehmarn link, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 179-189, meer
- Jensen, H.R.; Møller, J.S. (2003). Nested 3D model of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 190-197, meer
- Krueger, S.; Roeder, W.; Wlost, K.-P. (2003). Baltic stations Darss sill and Oder bank, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 198-203, meer
- Lass, H.U.; Schmidt, T.; Seifert, T. (2003). Hiddensee upwelling field measurements and modelling results, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 204-208, meer
- Mattson, J. (2003). Geostrophic flow resistance in the Öresund, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 209-213, meer
- Nagel, K. (2003). Distribution patterns of nutrients discharged by the river Odra into the Pomeranian bight, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 214-219, meer
- Otremba, Z.; Stelmaszewski, A.; Kruczalak, K.; Marks, R. (2003). Petroleum hydrocarbons in the onshore zone, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 220-224, meer
- Otsmann, M.; Astok, V.; Suursaar, Ü. (2003). Two-channel model for water exchange (the Gulf of Riga case), in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 225-231, meer
- Paka, V.T.; Golenko, N.N.; Zhurbas, V.M. (2003). Investigation on mesoscale dynamics of the Baltic Sea, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 232-243, meer
- Piskozub, J.; Drozdowska, V.; Krol, T.; Otremba, Z.; Stelmaszewski, A. (2003). Oil content in Baltic Sea water and possibilities for detection and identification by the Lidar method, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 244-247, meer
- Provotorov, P.P.; Korovin, V.P.; Lyakhin, Y.I.; Nekrasov, A.V.; Chantsev, V.Y. (2003). Hydrographic and hydrochemical structure of waters in the Luga-Koporye region during the summer period, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 248-253, meer
- Rosemarin, A. (2003). An assessment of the functional linkages between Baltic marine research and the development of resource management policies, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 254-262, meer
- Spirkauskaite, N.; Stelingis, K.; Lujanas, V.; Lujaniene, G.; Petelski, T. (2003). Effects of Baltic coastal zone atmospheric peculiarities (during BAEX) on the formation of the 7Be concentration in the air, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 263-266, meer
- Suursaar, Ü.; Astok, V.; Kullas, T.; Ostmann, M. (2003). Water and nutrient exchange through the Suur Strait (Väinameri) in 1993-1995, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 267-273, meer
- Tarasiuk, N.; Spirkauskaité, N.; Stelingis, K.; Lujaniene, G.; Schultz, M.; Marks, R. (2003). Investigation of the atmospheric impurity washout in the Baltic Sea coastal wave breaking zone during BAEX using radioactive tracers, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 274-279, meer
- Wozniak, B.; Rozwadpwska, A.; Kaczmarek, S.; Wozniak, S.B.; Ostrowska, M. (2003). Seasonal variability of the solar radiation flux and its utilisation in the southern Baltic, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 280-298, meer
- Zhang, Z.; Lepparanta, M. (2003). Numerical study on the reducing influence of ice on water pile-up in Bothnian Bay, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 299-306, meer
- Zülicke, Ch.; Hagen, E.; Stips, A.; Schuffenhauer, I.; Hennig, O. (2003). Surface mixed-layer dynamics, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 307-312, meer
- Victorov, S.V. (2003). Towards operational regional satellite oceanography for the Baltic Sea, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 313-317, meer
- Chubarenko, I.P. (2003). Vistula Lagoon water level oscillations: numerical modelling and field data analysis, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 318-320, meer
- Møller, J.S. (2003). DYNOCS: status October 1996, in: Dahlin, H. et al. Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference, Rønne, Denmark, 22-26 October 1996. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 257: pp. 321-324, meer