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Disentangling the history of the "sandy goby" group (Gobiidae, Teleostei): mtDNA and paleoclimatic history
(2002). Disentangling the history of the "sandy goby" group (Gobiidae, Teleostei): mtDNA and paleoclimatic history, in: Huyse, T. Evolutionary associations between Gyrodactylus and its goby host: bound forever? = Evolutionaire relaties tussen Gyrodactylus en zijn grondel gastheer: eeuwig samen?. pp. 121-141
In: Huyse, T. (2002). Evolutionary associations between Gyrodactylus and its goby host: bound forever? = Evolutionaire relaties tussen Gyrodactylus en zijn grondel gastheer: eeuwig samen? PhD Thesis. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL): Leuven. 194 pp., meer

Beschikbaar in
Documenttype: Doctoraat/Thesis/Eindwerk

    Acids > Organic compounds > Organic acids > Nucleic acids > DNA
    Aquatic organisms > Marine organisms > Fish > Marine fish
    Biology > Organism morphology
    Classification > Taxonomy
    Climate > Palaeoclimate
    Distribution > Geographical distribution
    Gobiidae Cuvier, 1816 [WoRMS]
    AE, Noord Atlantisch [Marine Regions]; MED, Adriatic [Marine Regions]

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