one publication added to basket [34281] | De evolutie van het duinecosysteem in Vlaanderen in de Middeleeuwen: antropogene factoren versus zeespiegelrijzingstheorie = Evolution of the dune ecosystem in Flanders during the Middle Ages: anthropogenic factors versus sea level change theory
Augustyn, B. (1995). De evolutie van het duinecosysteem in Vlaanderen in de Middeleeuwen: antropogene factoren versus zeespiegelrijzingstheorie = Evolution of the dune ecosystem in Flanders during the Middle Ages: anthropogenic factors versus sea level change theory. Hist. Geogr. Tijdschr. 13(1): 9-19
In: Historisch-Geografisch Tijdschrift. Stichting Matrijs: Utrecht. ISSN 0167-9775, meer
Trefwoorden |
Ecosystem disturbance Environmental factors > Anthropogenic factors Middle Ages Temporal variations > Long-term changes > Sea level changes Topographic features > Beach features > Dunes ANE, België, Belgische kust [Marine Regions]; ANE, België, Zwin [Marine Regions] Marien/Kust |
Abstract |
Little is left of the Older Dunes of the Flemish coast. Is this due to the influence of the sea and climate changes, or was it the influence of man that played a major role in this evolution? It appears that the latter has been the case. |