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Slakken bijten in het zand: Veranderingen in de verspreiding van slakken in de Belgische kustduinen
Vercoutere, B.; Devriese, H.; Van Loen, H. (2002). Slakken bijten in het zand: Veranderingen in de verspreiding van slakken in de Belgische kustduinen. Natuur.Focus 4(1): 132-136
In: Natuur.Focus. Natuurpunt: Mechelen. ISSN 1379-8863, meer
Peer reviewed article  

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  • Vercoutere, B., meer
  • Devriese, H.
  • Van Loen, H., meer

    This paper deals with changes in the occurrence of land molluscs in the dunes along the Belgian coast using the dataset of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences and new data from fieldwork by Devriese and Vercoutere. It was revealed that species which had been introduced during the last World Wars, established populations in the coastal dunes of Belgium. Launa cylindracea, Candidula intersecta, Cernuella virgata and Cochlicella acuta are now among the most distributed species. As dunes became more forested, other species colonised the dunes from inside the country. Among them Trichia hispida, Cochlicopa lubrica and Oxychillus cellanus are examples of species which are now commonly observed in the dunes.

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