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Removal of ghosts
Hjelme, J. (1983). Removal of ghosts, in: Ritsema, A.R. et al. Seismicity and seismic risk in the offshore North Sea area: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop, held at Utrecht, The Netherlands, June 1–4, 1982. NATO ASI Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 99: pp. 113-114.
In: Ritsema, A.R.; Gürpinar, A. (Ed.) (1983). Seismicity and seismic risk in the offshore North Sea area: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop, held at Utrecht, The Netherlands, June 1–4, 1982. NATO ASI Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 99. D. Reidel Publishing: Dordrecht. ISBN 90-277-1529-7. xxiv, 420 pp., meer
In: NATO ASI Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences. D. Reidel: Dordrecht; Boston; Lancaster. ISSN 0258-2023, meer

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  • Hjelme, J.

    After the excellent presentation by Dr. Ringdal very litle can be added to the seismicity in the North Sea area. But a few words of warning can be said in general.

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