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Different styles in configuration of the contouritic drifts in the northern sector of the Argentine Continental Margin: implications in slope stability and geohazard
Violante, R.A.; Hernández-Molina, F.J.; Costa, I.P.; Schwenk, T. (2014). Different styles in configuration of the contouritic drifts in the northern sector of the Argentine Continental Margin: implications in slope stability and geohazard, in: Van Rooij, D. et al. (Ed.) Book of Abstracts. 2nd Deep-Water Circulation Congress: The Contourite Log-book. Ghent, Belgium, 10-12 September 2014. VLIZ Special Publication, 69: pp. 17-18
In: Van Rooij, D.; Rüggeberg, A. (Ed.) (2014). Book of Abstracts. 2nd Deep-Water Circulation Congress: The Contourite Log-book. Ghent, Belgium, 10-12 September 2014. VLIZ Special Publication, 69. Ghent University, Department of Geology and Soil Science/Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ): Oostende. xviii, 152 pp., meer
In: VLIZ Special Publication. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ): Oostende. ISSN 1377-0950, meer

Beschikbaar in  Auteurs 
Documenttype: Samenvatting

    Physics > Mechanics > Dynamics > Sediment dynamics
Author keywords
    Argentine Continental Margin; Contouritic drifts; Slope instabilities

Auteurs  Top 
  • Violante, R.A.
  • Hernández-Molina, F.J.
  • Costa, I.P.
  • Schwenk, T.

    The northern sector of the Argentine Continental Margin includes areas with significant differences in the morphosedimentary configuration of the contouritic drifts. In the northernmost part (MP area) they are represented by relatively continuous deposits not deeply affected by gravity downslope processes, whereas in the southernmost part (BB area) they are discontinuous and highly dissected by mass-transport and turbiditic deposits. These differences can be addressed to local conditioning factors manifested in a different morphology of submarine canyons, tectonic influence and sediment dynamics, which have relevant implicances in slope stability and geohazard.

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