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Inshore records of the striped dolphin, Stenella coeruleoalba, from the Pacific Coast of South America
Van Waerebeek, K.; Félix, F.; Haase, B.; Palacios, D.M.; Mora-Pinto, D.M.; Munoz-Hincapie, M. (1998). Inshore records of the striped dolphin, Stenella coeruleoalba, from the Pacific Coast of South America. Rep. Int. Whal. Commn. 48: 525-532
In: Report of the International Whaling Commission. International Whaling Commission: Cambridge. ISSN 0143-8700, meer

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    Stenella coeruleoalba (Meyen, 1833) [WoRMS]
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  • Van Waerebeek, K., meer
  • Félix, F.
  • Haase, B.
  • Palacios, D.M.
  • Mora-Pinto, D.M.
  • Munoz-Hincapie, M.

    New data are presented on striped dolphins from nearshore waters off the Pacific coast of South America, and published information on the species in that region is reviewed. Specimen records from coastal waters of Colombia (n = 3), continental Ecuador (n = 4), Galapagos Islands (n = 2) and Peru (n = 2) are documented for the first time. A skull from Robinson Crusoe Island (33°42’S, 80°45’W) constitutes the most southern distribution limit in the offshore temperate southeast Pacific, while no striped dolphins have been sighted south of latitude 21°S. As in other seas, S. coeruleoalba appears to enter neritic waters only occasionally. The species’ avoidance of sea surface temperatures of less than 20°C could also help to explain its scarcity in the cool upwelling-influenced coastal zone off Peru and northern Chile as well as farther south off western South America. Body size of four individuals ranged from 211-218cm, but none was physically mature. Specimens studied presumably form part of the eastern Pacific stock, however population identity remains undetermined because the few skulls and tissue samples (for genetics) available do not yet permit rigorous analysis. Scientists in the region are encouraged to sample any new specimens as completely as possible.

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