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Rehabilitation of Clavatula smithi Knudsen, 1952 (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Clavatulidae)
Nolf, F. (2011). Rehabilitation of Clavatula smithi Knudsen, 1952 (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Clavatulidae). Neptunea 10(2): 5-15
In: Neptunea. Belgische Vereniging voor Conchyliologie, Afdeling Kust: De Haan. ISSN 1378-2029, meer
Peer reviewed article  

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    Clavatula caerulea (Weinkauff, 1875) [WoRMS]; Clavatula smithi Knudsen, 1952 [WoRMS]; Clavatulidae J. E. Gray, 1853 [WoRMS]; Gastropoda [WoRMS]; Mollusca [WoRMS]
    West Africa [Marine Regions]

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