one publication added to basket [202493] | Marine Strategy Framework Directive Task Group 11 Report: Underwater noise and other forms of energy
Tasker, M.L.; Amundin, M.; Andre, M.; Hawkins, A.; Lang, W.; Merck, T.; Scholik-Schlomer, A.; Teilmann, J.; Thomsen, F.; Werner, S.; Zakharia, M. (2010). Marine Strategy Framework Directive Task Group 11 Report: Underwater noise and other forms of energy. JRC Scientific and Technical Reports. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities: Luxembourg. ISBN 978-92-79-15654-0. 55 pp.
Deel van: JRC Scientific and Technical Reports. Publications Office of the European Union: Luxembourg. ISSN 1018-5593; e-ISSN 1831-9424, meer
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Beschikbaar in | Auteurs |
Documenttype: Wetenschappelijk rapport
Auteurs | | Top |
- Tasker, M.L.
- Amundin, M.
- Andre, M.
- Hawkins, A.
- Lang, W.
- Merck, T.
- Scholik-Schlomer, A.
- Teilmann, J.
- Thomsen, F.
- Werner, S.
- Zakharia, M.