one publication added to basket [120951] | Spatial variation in littoral Codium assemblages on Jersey, Channel Islands (southern English Channel)
Trowbridge, C.D.; Farnham, W.F. (2004). Spatial variation in littoral Codium assemblages on Jersey, Channel Islands (southern English Channel). Bot. Mar. 47(6): 501-503.
In: Botanica Marina. Walter de Gruyter & Co: Berlin; New York. ISSN 0006-8055; e-ISSN 1437-4323, meer
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Trefwoorden |
Taxa > Species > Introduced species Codium Stackhouse, 1797 [WoRMS] ANE, Channel I. [Marine Regions] Marien/Kust |
Auteurs | | Top |
- Trowbridge, C.D.
- Farnham, W.F.
Abstract |
Littoral surveys on Jersey shores in the Channel Islands (southern English Channel) revealed unexpected spatial variation in local-scale distributions of green macroalgae belonging to Codium species. Traditionally considered a low-shore alga, native C. Vermilara inhabited high and/or mid-shore pools at nine of ten shores surveyed. This alga was frequent on semi-exposed shores. The introduced taxon C. Fragile ssp. tomentosoides was patchily distributed with highest abundances in wave-sheltered areas. Zonation patterns of Codium spp. on Channel Island shores were more complex than those north of the English Channel. |