one publication added to basket [11544] | A method of identifying immature specimens of marine Enchytraeidae (Oligochaeta) by vital staining of epidermal glands
Kossmagk-Stephan, K.-J. (1984). A method of identifying immature specimens of marine Enchytraeidae (Oligochaeta) by vital staining of epidermal glands. Hydrobiologia 115: 55-58.
In: Hydrobiologia. Springer: The Hague. ISSN 0018-8158; e-ISSN 1573-5117, meer
Is gerelateerd aan:Kossmagk-Stephan, K.-J. (1984). A method of identifying immature specimens of marine Enchytraeidae (Oligochaeta) by vital staining of epidermal glands, in: Bonomi, G. et al. Aquatic Oligochaeta: Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Aquatic Oligochaete Biology, held in Pallanza, Italy, September 21-24, 1982. Developments in Hydrobiology, 24: pp. 55-58., meer
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Abstract |
Epidermal glands in Enchytraeidae are arranged in several transverse rows in each segment. These glands are more or less inconspicuous. It is possible to show up the gland cells by vital staining with Neutral Red (dilution 1:25 000 to 1:200 000 in tap- or sea-water, pH 6.0-6.8). Studies using this staining method have shown that there is a distinct pattern of epidermal glands for each species of marine Enchytraeidae investigated. The possibility of distinguishing immature specimens of different marine enchytraeid species, found in one particular locality, is demonstrated. |