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A1 publicaties (4) [show] |
- Quinn, G.; Fee, E.; Larsen, P.S.; Shumway, S.E.; Gili, J.-M.; Kiorboe, T.; Hagerman, L.; Beninger, P.; Tessier, A.; Duarte, C.M.; Raven, J.; Middelburg, J.J.; Lesser, M.; Grémare, A.; Cole, J.; Larsen, O.N.; Beukema, J.J.; Reise, K.; Canfield, D.; Kinne, O. (2000). The peer-review system: time for re-assessment? Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 192: 305-313, meer
Kinne, O. (1999). Electronic publishing in science: changes and risks. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 180: 1-5, meer
- Kinne, O. (1964). The effects of temperature and salinity on marine and brackish water animals: 2. Salinity and temperature-salinity relations, in: Barnes, H.B. (Ed.) Oceanogr. Mar. Biol. Ann. Rev. 2. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, 2: pp. 281-339, meer
- Kinne, O. (1963). The effects of temperature and salinity on marine and brackish water animals: 1. Temperature, in: Barnes, H.B. (Ed.) Oceanogr. Mar. Biol. Ann. Rev. 1. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, 1: pp. 301-340, meer
Peer reviewed publicaties (8) [show] |
- Kinne, O. (1995). Ecology of the North Sea: problems, successes, failures, future needs. Helgol. Meeresunters. 49(1-4): 303-312., meer
Kinne, O. (1984). International Helgoland Symposium on "Diseases of Marine Organisms": opening address. Helgol. Meeresunters. 37(1-4): 1-4, meer
- Kinne, O. (1984). International Helgoland Symposium "Diseases of marine organisms": summary of symposium papers and conclusions. Helgol. Meeresunters. 37(1-4): 641-655, meer
- Kinne, O.; Bulnheim, H.-P. (Ed.) (1984). International Helgoland Symposium on Diseases of Marine Organisms held on Helgoland from 11th-16th September 1983. Helgoländer Meeresuntersuchungen, 37(1-4). Biologische Anstalt Helgoland: Hamburg. 663 pp., meer
- Kinne, O. (1980). 14th European Marine Biology Symposium "Protection of Life in the Sea": Summary of symposium papers and conclusions. Helgol. Meeresunters. 33(1-4): 732-761., meer
- Kinne, O. (1967). First European Symposium on Marine Biology (Helgoland, 1966): opening address. Helgol. Wiss. Meeresunters. 15(1-4): 1-5., meer
- Kinne, O. (1967). Closing address. Helgol. Wiss. Meeresunters. 15(1-4): 660-661., meer
- Kinne, O. (1964). Physiologische und ökologische Aspekte des Lebens in Ästuarien = Physiological and ecological aspects of life in estuaries. Helgol. Wiss. Meeresunters. 11(3-4): 131-156, meer
Boeken (19) [show] |
- Kinne, O. (Ed.) (1990). Diseases of marine animals 3. Introduction: Cephalopoda, Annelida, Crustacea, Chaetognatha, Echinodermata, Urochordata. Biologische Anstalt Helgoland: Hamburg. ISBN 3-9800818-1-8. 696 pp., meer
- Kinne, O. (1985). Diseases of marine animals: 4 (part 2). Introduction: Reptilia, Aves, Mammalia. Biologische Anstalt Helgoland: Hamburg. ISBN 3-9800818-4-2. XIII, 543-884 pp., meer
- Kinne, O. (Ed.) (1984). Marine ecology: a comprehensive, integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters: 5. Ocean management: 3. Pollution and protection of the seas, radioactive materials, heavy metals and oil. Marine ecology: a comprehensive, integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters, 5(3). Interscience/Wiley: Chichester. ISBN 0-471-90216-0. XIV, 1091-1618 pp., meer
- Kinne, O. (Ed.) (1984). Marine ecology: a comprehensive, integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters: 5. Ocean management: 4. Pollution and protection of the seas: pesticides, domestic wastes and thermal deformations. Marine ecology: a comprehensive, integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters, 5(4). Interscience/Wiley: Chichester. ISBN 0-471-90217-9. XII, 1619-1998 pp., meer
- Kinne, O. (Ed.) (1984). Diseases of marine animals: 4 (part 1). Introduction: Pisces. Biologische Anstalt Helgoland: Hamburg. ISBN 3-9800818-3-4. XV, 541 pp., meer
- Kinne, O. (Ed.) (1983). Diseases of marine animals: 2. Introduction, Bivalvia to Scaphopoda. Biologische Anstalt Helgoland: Hamburg. ISBN 3-9800818-0-X. VIII, 467-1038 pp., meer
- Kinne, O. (Ed.) (1983). Marine ecology: a comprehensive, integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters: 5. Ocean management: 2. Ecosystems and organic resources. Marine ecology: a comprehensive, integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters, 5(2). Interscience/Wiley: Chichester. ISBN 0-471-90159-8. XIII, 643-1090 pp., meer
- Kinne, O. (Ed.) (1982). Marine ecology: a comprehensive, integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters: 5. Ocean management: 1. Marine ecology: a comprehensive, integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters, 5(1). Interscience/Wiley: Chichester. ISBN 0-471-27997-8. XIX, 1-642 pp., meer
- Kinne, O. (1980). Diseases of marine animals: 1. General aspects, Protozoa to Gastropoda. John Wiley and Sons: Chichester. ISBN 0-471-99584-3. XIII, 466 pp., meer
- Kinne, O.; Bulnheim, H.-P. (Ed.) (1980). Protection of life in the sea: 14th European Marine Biology Symposium, 23-29 September 1979, Helgoland. European Marine Biology Symposia, 14. Helgoländer Meeresuntersuchungen, 33(1-4). 772 pp., meer
- Kinne, O. (Ed.) (1978). Marine ecology: a comprehensive, integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters: 4. Dynamics. Marine ecology: a comprehensive, integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters, 4. Interscience/Wiley: Chichester. ISBN 0-471-48008-8. XII, 1-746 pp., meer
- Kinne, O. (Ed.) (1977). Marine ecology: a comprehensive, integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters: 3. Cultivation: 3. Marine ecology: a comprehensive, integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters, 3(3). Interscience/Wiley: Chichester. ISBN 0-471-48007-X. IX, 1295-1521 pp., meer
- Kinne, O. (Ed.) (1977). Marine ecology: a comprehensive, integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters: 3. Cultivation: 2. Marine ecology: a comprehensive, integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters, 3(2). Interscience/Wiley: Chichester. ISBN 0-471-01577-6. XV, 579-1293 pp., meer
- Kinne, O. (Ed.) (1976). Marine ecology: a comprehensive, integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters: 3. Cultivation: 1. Marine ecology: a comprehensive, integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters, 3(1). Interscience/Wiley: London. ISBN 0-471-48005-3. XIII, 1-577 pp., meer
- Kinne, O. (Ed.) (1975). Marine ecology: a comprehensive, integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters: 2. Physiological mechanisms. Marine ecology: a comprehensive, integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters, 2. Interscience/Wiley: London. ISBN 0-471-48004-5. IX, 1-449 pp., meer
- Kinne, O. (Ed.) (1972). Marine ecology: a comprehensive, integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters: 1. Environmental factors, 3. Marine ecology: a comprehensive, integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters, 1(3). Interscience/Wiley: London. ISBN 0-471-48003-7. XII, 1145-1774 pp., meer
- Kinne, O. (Ed.) (1971). Marine ecology: a comprehensive, integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters: 1. Environmental factors: 2. Marine ecology: a comprehensive, integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters, 1(1). Interscience/Wiley: London. ISBN 0-471-48002-9. IX, 683-1244 pp., meer
- Kinne, O. (Ed.) (1970). Marine ecology: a comprehensive, integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters: 1. Environmental factors: 1. Marine ecology: a comprehensive, integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters, 1(1). Interscience/Wiley: London. ISBN 0-471-48001-0. IX, 681 pp., meer
- Kinne, O.; Aurich, H. (Ed.) (1967). Vorträge und Diskussionen. Erstes Europäisches Symposion über Meeresbiologie = Papers and discussions. First European Symposium on Marine Biology = Rapports et discussions. Premier symposium européen sur biologie marine. European Marine Biology Symposia, 1. Helgoländer Wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen, 15(1-4). 669 pp., meer
Boekhoofdstukken (22) [show] |
- Kinne, O. (1986). Realism in aquaculture: the view of an ecologist, in: Bilio, M. et al. (Ed.) Realism in Aquaculture: Achievements, Constraints, Perspectives: World Conference on Aquaculture, Venice, Italy 21-25 September 1981. pp. 11-22, meer
- Kinne, O. (1985). Introduction to volume 4, part 2: Reptilia, Aves, Mammalia, in: Kinne, O. Diseases of marine animals: 4 (part 2). Introduction: Reptilia, Aves, Mammalia. pp. 543-552, meer
- Kinne, O. (1984). Introduction to volume 4 (part1): Pisces, in: Kinne, O. (Ed.) Diseases of marine animals: 4 (part 1). Introduction: Pisces. pp. 1-16, meer
- Kinne, O. (1984). Introduction to part 4 - pollution and protection of the seas: pesticides, domestic waste and thermal deformations, in: Kinne, O. (Ed.) Marine ecology: a comprehensive, integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters: 5. Ocean management: 4. Pollution and protection of the seas: pesticides, domestic wastes and thermal deformations. pp. 1619-1625, meer
- Kinne, O. (1984). Ocean management: introduction to part 3 - pollution and protection of the seas: radioactive materials, heavy metals, and oil, in: Kinne, O. (Ed.) Marine ecology: a comprehensive, integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters: 5. Ocean management: 3. Pollution and protection of the seas, radioactive materials, heavy metals and oil. pp. 1091-1110, meer
- Kinne, O. (1983). Introduction to volume II, in: Kinne, O. (Ed.) Diseases of marine animals: 2. Introduction, Bivalvia to Scaphopoda. pp. 467-475, meer
- Kinne, O. (1983). Ocean management: introduction to part 2: ecosystems and organic resources, in: Kinne, O. (Ed.) Marine ecology: a comprehensive, integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters: 5. Ocean management: 2. Ecosystems and organic resources. pp. 643-655, meer
- Kinne, O. (1982). Ocean management: introduction: zonations and organismic assemblages, in: Kinne, O. (Ed.) Marine ecology: a comprehensive, integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters: 5. Ocean management: 1. pp. 1-8, meer
- Kinne, O. (1980). Introduction to the treatise and to Volume 1, in: Kinne, O. Diseases of marine animals: 1. General aspects, Protozoa to Gastropoda. pp. 1-11, meer
- Kinne, O. (1980). Diseases of marine animals: general aspects, in: Kinne, O. Diseases of marine animals: 1. General aspects, Protozoa to Gastropoda. pp. 13-73, meer
- Kinne, O. (1978). Dynamics: introduction, in: Kinne, O. (Ed.) Marine ecology: a comprehensive, integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters: 4. Dynamics. pp. 1-11, meer
- Kinne, O. (1977). Cultivation of animals: 1.Research Cultivation, in: Kinne, O. (Ed.) Marine ecology: a comprehensive, integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters: 3. Cultivation: 2. pp. 579-1294, meer
- Kinne, O.; Rosenthal, H. (1977). Cultivation of animals: 2. Commercial cultivation (aquaculture), in: Kinne, O. (Ed.) Marine ecology: a comprehensive, integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters: 3. Cultivation: 3. pp. 1321-1398, meer
- Kinne, O. (1976). Cultivation: introduction to volume 3, in: Kinne, O. (Ed.) Marine ecology: a comprehensive, integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters: 3. Cultivation: 1. pp. 1-17, meer
- Kinne, O. (1976). Cultivation of marine organisms: water quality management and technology, in: Kinne, O. (Ed.) Marine ecology: a comprehensive, integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters: 3. Cultivation: 1. pp. 19-300, meer
- Kinne, O. (1975). Physiological mechanisms: introduction to volume 2, in: Kinne, O. (Ed.) Marine ecology: a comprehensive, integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters: 2. Physiological mechanisms. pp. 1-8, meer
- Kinne, O. (1972). Pressure: general introduction, in: Kinne, O. (Ed.) Marine ecology: a comprehensive, integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters: 1. Environmental factors, 3. pp. 1323-1360, meer
- Kinne, O. (1971). Salinity: 3. Animals: 1. Invertebrates, in: Kinne, O. (Ed.) Marine ecology: a comprehensive, integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters: 1. Environmental factors: 2. pp. 821-995, meer
- Kinne, O. (1971). Water movement: 1. Bacteria, fungi and blue-green algae, in: Kinne, O. (Ed.) Marine ecology: a comprehensive, integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters: 1. Environmental factors: 2. pp. 1089, meer
- Kinne, O. (1970). Temperature: general introduction, in: Kinne, O. (Ed.) Marine ecology: a comprehensive, integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters: 1. Environmental factors: 1. pp. 321-346, meer
- Kinne, O. (1970). Temperature: 3. Animals: 1. Invertebrates, in: Kinne, O. (Ed.) Marine ecology: a comprehensive, integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters: 1. Environmental factors: 1. pp. 407-514, meer
- Kinne, O. (1967). Physiology of estuarine organisms with special reference to salinity and temperature: General aspects, in: Lauff, G.H. (Ed.) Estuaries. American Association for the Advancement of Science Publication, 83: pp. 525-540, meer
Overige publicaties (3) [show] |
- Kinne, O. (1959). Ecological data on the amphipod Gammarus duebeni. A monograph. Veröff. Inst. Meeresforsch. Bremenh. 6: 177-202, meer
- Kinne, O. (1955). Neomysis vulgaris Thompson eine autökologisch-biologische Studie. Biol. Zent. Bl. 74: 160-202, meer
- Kinne, O. (Ed.) Marine ecology: a comprehensive, integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters. Wiley-Interscience, a division of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: London. , meer
Thesis (co-)promotor [show] |