National University of Ireland Galway; Ryan Institute (NUIG-RI), meer
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- Atlantic coral ecosystem study, meer
A1 publicaties (3) [show] |
- Davies, J.S.; Guillaumont, B.; Tempera, F.; Vertino, A.; Beuck, L.; Olafsdottir, S.H.; Smith, C.J.; Fossa, J.H.; van den Beld, I.M.J.; Savini, A.; Rengstorf, A.; Bayle, C.; Bourillet, J.-F.; Arnaud-Haond, S.; Grehan, A. (2017). A new classification scheme of European cold-water coral habitats: implications for ecosystem-based management of the deep sea. Deep-Sea Res., Part II, Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 145: 102-109., meer
- Dolan, M.F.J.; Grehan, A.J.; Guinan, J.C.; Brown, C. (2008). Modelling the local distribution of cold-water corals in relation to bathymetric variables: Adding spatial context to deep-sea video data. Deep-Sea Res., Part 1, Oceanogr. Res. Pap. 55(11): 1564-1579., meer
- Voight, J.R.; Grehan, A.J. (2000). Egg brooding by deep-sea octopuses in the North Pacific Ocean. Biol. Bull. 198: 94-100, meer
Peer reviewed publicaties (2) [show] |
- Grehan, A.; Unnithan, V.; Wilson, M.; Guinan, J.; Beck, T.; Foubert, A.; Wheeler, A. (2004). Deep water coral ecology and fisheries impact in the Porcupine Seabight and NW Porcupine Bank, in: Klages, M. et al. The Expedition Arktis XIX/3 of the research vessel Polarstern in 2003 : reports of legs 3a, 3b and 3c. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 488: pp. 130-146, meer
- Wheeler, A.; Berov, D.; Dorschel, B.; Foubert, A.; Gault, J.; Grehan, A.; Kozachenko, M.; Monteys, X.F.; Roberts, M.; Unnithan, V. (2004). Mound development on the Porcupine Bank: the influence of hydrodynamics on geological and biological processes, in: Klages, M. et al. The Expedition Arktis XIX/3 of the research vessel Polarstern in 2003 : reports of legs 3a, 3b and 3c. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 488: pp. 83-120, meer
Boekhoofdstukken (4) [show] |
- Foubert, A.; Beck, T.; Wheeler, A.J.; Opderbecke, J.; Grehan, A.; Klages, M.; Thiede, J.; Henriet, J.-P.; Polarstern ARK XIX/3a Shipboard Party (2005). New view of the Belgica Mounds, Porcupine Seabight, NE Atlantic: preliminary results from the Polarstern ARK-XIX/3a ROV cruise, in: Freiwald, A. et al. (Ed.) Cold-water corals and ecosystems. Erlangen Earth Conference Series, : pp. 403-415, meer
- Wheeler, A.J.; Beck, T.; Thiede, J.; Klages, M.; Grehan, A.; Monteys, F.X.; Polarstern ARK XIX/3a Shipboard Party (2005). Deep-water coral mounds on the Porcupine Bank, Irish Margin: preliminary results from the Polarstern ARK-XIX/3a ROV cruise, in: Freiwald, A. et al. (Ed.) Cold-water corals and ecosystems. Erlangen Earth Conference Series, : pp. 393-402., meer
- Grehan, A.J. (2001). Deep-water coral conservation, in: Thiel, H. et al. (Ed.) Managing risks to biodiversity and the environment on the high sea, including tools such as Marine Protected Areas - Scientific Requirements and Legal Aspects: Proceedings of the Expert Workshop held at the International Academy for Nature Conservation, Isle of Vilm, Germany, 27 February - 4 March 2001. BfN (Bundesamt für Naturschutz)-Skripten, 43: pp. 67-74, meer
- Dullo, W.-Chr.; van Weering, T.C.E.; Henriet, J.-P.; Bett, B.; Billett, D.; Gooday, A.; Wolff, G.; Patching, J. W.; White, M.; Grehan, A.; Wheeler, A.; Collony, N.; Mienert, J.; Blamart, D.; Labeyrie, L.; Paterne, M.; Ayliffe, L. K.; Hebbeln, D.; Wefer, G. (2000). Carbonate mounds along the European continental margin: Implications for environmental control on their formation, in: EurOcean 2000, the European Conference on Marine Science and Ocean Technology, Hamburg, 29 August - 2 September 2000. Project synopses: I. Marine processes, ecosystems and interactions. pp. 281-285, meer
Overige publicaties (3) [show] |
- Foubert, A.; Wheeler, A.J.; Grehan, A. J.; Opderbecke, J.; Thiede, J.; Klages, M.; Henriet, J.-P. (2003). An image of deep-water coral banks and their sedimentary environment, first results from the Polarstern VICTOR 6000 ARK-XIX/3ª Cruise in Porcupine Seabight, W of Ireland. Erlanger Geol. Abh. Sonderband 4: 36, meer
- Grehan, A.; Unnithan, V.; Wheeler, A.; Monteys, F.; Beck, T.; Wilson, M.; Guinan, J.; Hall-Spencer, J.; Foubert, A.; Klages, M.; Thiede, J. (2003). Evidence for major fisheries impact on cold-water corals off the Porcupine Bank, west coast of Ireland: Implications for offshore coral conservation within the European Union. Erlanger Geol. Abh. 4(109): 42., meer
- Unnithan, V.; Croker, P.; Henriet, J.P.; Shannon, P.; Grehan, A.J.; Roberts, J.M. (2003). Frequency and distribution of carbonate mounds in the Irish Atlantic. Erlanger Geol. Abh. Sonderband 4: 84, meer