Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Recht en Criminologie; Vakgroep Europees, publiek- en internationaal recht, meer
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A1 publicatie [show] |
Lannon, E. (2023). The European Union and Small Island Developing States: The geo-political/legal, trade, and cooperation dimensions. OASIS. Observatorio de Análisis de los Sistemas Internacionales 37: 139-169. https://dx.doi.org/10.18601/16577558.n37.09, meer
Peer reviewed publicaties (2) [show] |
- Lannon, E. (2020). La dimension maritime des relations Asie-UE et l’importance stratégique d’une coopération renforcée avec l’Inde et l’Asean post COVID-19. Revue de droit des affaires internationales = International Business Law Journal 5-6: 547-567, meer
- Lannon, E. (2017). The European Union and the Indian Ocean Islands: identifying opportunities for developing a more ambitious and comprehensive strategy. J. Indian Oc. Reg. 13(2): 190-212. https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19480881.2017.1329265, meer
Boek [show] |
- Govaere, I.; Lannon, E.; Van Elsuwege, P.; Adam, S. (Ed.) (2014). The European Union in the world. Essays in Honour of Marc Maresceau. Martinus Nijhoff: The Hague. ISBN 978-90-04-25905-8; e-ISBN 978-90-04-25914-0. lviii, 656 pp., meer