Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen; Operationele Directie Taxonomie en Fylogenie, meer
A1 publicaties (4) [show] |
Fourdrilis, S.; Backeljau, T. (2019). Highly polymorphic mitochondrial DNA and deceiving haplotypic differentiation: implications for assessing population genetic differentiation and connectivity. BMC Evol. Biol. 19: 92. https://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12862-019-1414-3, meer
Fourdrilis, S.; Backeljau, T. (2019). Correction to: Highly polymorphic mitochondrial DNA and deceiving haplotypic differentiation: implications for assessing population genetic differentiation and connectivity. BMC Evol. Biol. 19(1): 103. https://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12862-019-1428-x, meer
Fourdrilis, S.; de Frias Martins, A.M.; Backeljau, T. (2018). Relation between mitochondrial DNA hyperdiversity, mutation rate and mitochondrial genome evolution in Melarhaphe neritoides (Gastropoda: Littorinidae) and other Caenogastropoda. NPG Scientific Reports 8: 17964. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-36428-7, meer
Fourdrilis, S.; Mardulyn, P.; Hardy, O.J.; Jordaens, K.; de Frias Martins, A.M.; Backeljau, T. (2016). Mitochondrial DNA hyperdiversity and its potential causes in the marine periwinkle Melarhaphe neritoides (Mollusca: Gastropoda). PeerJ 4: 33 pp. https://dx.doi.org/10.7717/peerj.2549, meer
Thesis [show] |
Fourdrilis, S. (2017). Mitochondrial DNA hyperdiversity and population genetics in the periwinkle Melarhaphe neritoides (Linnaeus, 1758) (Mollusca: Gastropoda). PhD Thesis. Free University of Brussels: Brussel. 196 pp., meer
Abstract [show] |
Fourdrilis, S.; Prévot, V.; Monjardez, M.; Backeljau, T. (2014). Genetic structure and connectivity assessment with hyper-polymorphic data in a high-dispersal potential mollusk in North Atlantic, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Young Scientists’ Day. Brugge, Belgium, 7 March 2014. VLIZ Special Publication, 67: pp. 59, meer