International Atomic Energy Agency; Marine Environment Laboratory Monaco (NAML), meer
Functie: Director
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Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Observatoire Océanologique de Villefranche sur Mer (OOV), meer
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A1 publicatie [show] |
- Joint, I.; Wollast, R.; Chou, L.; Batten, S.; Elskens, M.; Edwards, E.; Hirst, A.; Burkill, P.; Groom, S.; Gibb, S.; Miller, A.; Hydes, D.; Dehairs, F.; Antia, A.N.; Barlow, R.; Rees, A.; Pomroy, A.; Brockmann, U.H.; Cummings, D.; Lampitt, R.; Loijens, M.; Mantoura, F.; Miller, P.; Raabe, T.; Alvarez-Salgado, X.; Stelfox, C.; Woolfenden, J. (2001). Pelagic Production at the Celtic Sea shelf break. A synthesis of results obtained in the OMEX I project. Deep-Sea Res., Part 2, Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 48(14-15): 3049-3081., meer
Boek [show] |
Boekhoofdstukken (2) [show] |
- Krom, M.; Carbo, P.; Thingstad, T.F.; Fonnes, G.; Skjoldal, E.; Kress, N.; Zohary, T.; Herut, B.; Law, C.; Woodward, M.; Mantoura, F.; Liddicoat, M.; Rassoulzadegan, F.; Tanaka, T.; Tselepides, A.; Pitta, P.; Psara, S.; Polychronaki, T.; Dragopoulos, P.; Wassmann, P.; Riser, C.; Zodiatis, G. (2007). Cycling of phosphorus in the Eastern Mediterranean (CYCLOPS), in: Cieslikiewicz, W. et al. (Ed.) Proceedings of the EurOCEAN 2004: European Conference on Marine Science & Ocean Technology: Celebrating European marine science; building the European research area; communicating marine science, Galway, Ireland, 10-13 May 2004. pp. 225-226, meer
- Carbo, P.; Krom, M.D.; Thingstad, T.F.; Fonnes, G.; Skjoldal, E.; Kress, N.; Zohary, T.; Herut, B.; Law, C.; Woodward, M.; Mantoura, F.; Liddicoat, M.; Rassoulzadegan, F.; Tanaka, T.; Tselepides, A.; Pitta, P.; Psarra, S.; Polychronaki, T.; Drakopoulos, P.; Wassmann, P.; Riser, C.; Zodiatis, G. (2003). Preliminary results from a Lagrangian phosphate addition experiment in the Eastern Mediterranean (CYCLOPS), in: Caumette, P. et al. The impact of human activities on the marine environment quality and health: the EC impacts cluster: Proceedings of the first workshop (February 2002, Pau, France). pp. 49-61, meer
Rapporten (2) [show] |
Boissonnas, J.; Connolly, N.; Mantoura, F.; d'Ozouville, L. (Ed.) (2003). Navigating the future II: summary of 'Integrating Marine Science in Europe'. European Marine Board Position Paper, 6. European Science Foundation, Marine Board: Strasbourg. 23 pp., meer
Boissonnas, J.; Connolly, N.; Mantoura, F.; d'Ozouville, L.; Marks, J.; Minster, J.-F.; Ruivo, M.; Vallerga, S. (Ed.) (2002). Integrating marine science in Europe. European Marine Board Position Paper, 5. European Science Foundation, Marine Board/Marine Conservation Society: Strasbourg. ISBN 2-912049-35-0. 148 pp., meer
Overige publicatie [show] |
- Mantoura, F.; Mann, S.V. (1979). Dissolved organic carbon in estuaries, in: Severn, R.T. et al. (Ed.) The Thirtieth symposium of the Colston Research Society. Tidal Power and Estuary Management. pp. 279-286, meer