Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Wetenschappen; Vakgroep Biologie; Laboratorium voor Protistologie en Aquatische Ecologie (PAE), meer
Functie: Laborante
A1 publicaties (4) [show] |
- Harter, T.; Bossier, P.; Verreth, J.; Bodé, S.; Van der Ha, D.; Debeer, A.-E.; Boon, N.; Boeckx, P.; Vyverman, W.; Nevejan, N. (2013). Carbon and nitrogen mass balance during flue gas treatment with Dunaliella salina cultures. J. Appl. Phycol. 25(2): 359-368. dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10811-012-9870-9, meer
van Gremberghe, I.; Leliaert, F.; Mergeay, J.; Vanormelingen, P.; Van der Gucht, K.; Debeer, A.-E.; Lacerot, G.; De Meester, L.; Vyverman, W. (2011). Lack of phylogeographic structure in the freshwater cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa suggests global dispersal. PLoS One 6(5): e19561. dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0019561, meer
- Casteleyn, G.; Leliaert, F.; Backeljau, T.; Debeer, A.-E.; Kotaki, Y.; Rhodes, L. L.; Lundholm, N.; Sabbe, K.; Vyverman, W. (2010). Limits to gene flow in a cosmopolitan marine planktonic diatom. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 107(29): 12952-12957. dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1001380107, meer
- Casteleyn, G.; Adams, N.G.; Vanormelingen, P.; Debeer, A.-E.; Sabbe, K.; Vyverman, W. (2009). Natural hybrids in the marine diatom Pseudo-nitzschia pungens (Bacillariophyceae): genetic and morphological evidence. Protist 160(2): 343-354. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.protis.2008.11.002, meer
Abstract [show] |
Vanormelingen, P.; Evans, K.M.; Mann, D.G.; D'Hondt, S.; Verstraete, T.; Debeer, A-E.; Sabbe, K.; Vyverman, W. (2012). Genotypic diversity and differentiation among benthic freshwater diatom populations as revealed by microsatellite analysis, in: Sabbe, K. et al. (Ed.) Twenty-second International Diatom Symposium, Aula Academica, Ghent, 26-31 August 2012. Abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 58: pp. 112, meer