Charles Fransen is a permanent researcher and curator of Crustacea at Naturalis Biodiversity Centre and an examiner of the Biology Education at Leiden University. His main research interests are in taxonomy, phylogeny, biogeography and ecology of symbiotic shrimps. Through combined morphological and molecular phylogenetic analyses of selected groups of shrimps in combination with the study of their distribution patterns and host-relations, hypothesis on the evolutionary history of these groups are formulated. Special attention is given to the symbotic Palaemonidae comprising about 600 species. The co-evolutionary component is studied by means of comparisons between phylogenetic patterns of both shrimps and hosts. Charles is involved in WoRMS since 2008, as editor for the Decapoda. He co-authored The Carideorum Catalogue with Sammy De Grave and this catalogue forms the basis for the shrimps in WoRMS. Taxonomische term: Decapoda [WoRMS]
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Functie: Taxonomic editor
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Functie: Taxonomic editor
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- DecaNet eds. (2025). DecaNet. Accessed at on yyyy-mm-dd, meer
- Checklist of the West African Anomura (Galatheidea and Lithodidae), FAO fishing areas 34 and part of 47, meer
- Checklist of the West African Brachyura, FAO fishing areas 34 and part of 47, meer
- Checklist of the West African shrimps (Dendrobranchiata and Caridea), FAO fishing areas 34 and part of 47, meer
A1 publicaties (11) [show] |
De Grave, S.; Decock, W.; Dekeyzer, S.; Davie, P.J.F.; Fransen, C.H.J.M.; Boyko, C.B.; Poore, G.C.B.; MacPherson, E.; Ahyong, S.T.; Crandall, K.A.; de Mazancourt, V.; Osawa, M.; Chan, T.-Y.; Ng, P.K.L.; Lemaitre, R.; van der Meij, S.E.T.; Santos, S. (2023). Benchmarking global biodiversity of decapod crustaceans (Crustacea: Decapoda). J. Crust. Biol. 43(3): ruad042., meer
Fransen, C.H.J.M. (2023). The marine palaemonid shrimps (Crustacea, Deapoda, Caridea) of the Dutch Caribbean. Zootaxa, 5387(1). Magnolia Press: Auckland. ISBN 978-1-77688-948-8; e-ISBN 978-1-77688-949-5. 127 pp., meer
Horká, I.; De Grave, S.; Fransen, C.H.J.M.; Petrusek, A.; Duris, Z. (2016). Multiple host switching events shape the evolution of symbiotic palaemonid shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda). NPG Scientific Reports 6(26486): 13 pp., meer
Horká, I.; Fransen, C.H.J.M.; Duris, Z. (2016). Two new species of shrimp of the Indo-West Pacific genus Hamodactylus Holthuis, 1952 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Palaemonidae). Eur. J. Taxon. 188: 1-26., meer
- Fransen, C.H.J.M.; Hoeksema, B.W. (2014). Going for the stars: extending the host record for the reef-dwelling Emperor shrimp, Periclimenes imperator (Pontoniinae). Mar. Biodiv. 44(4): 465-466., meer
- Appeltans, W.; Ahyong, S.T.; Anderson, G.; Angel, M.V.; Artois, T.; Bailly, N.; Bamber, R.N.; Barber, A.; Bartsch, I.; Berta, A.; Blazewicz-Paszkowycz , M.; Bock, P.; Boxshall, G.; Boyko, C.B.; Nunes Brandão, S.; Bray, R.A.; Bruce, N.L.; Cairns, S.D.; Chan, T.-Y.; Cheng, L.; Collins, A.G.; Cribb, T.H.; Curini-Galletti, M.; Dahdouh-Guebas, F.; Davie, P.J.F.; Dawson, M.N.; De Clerck, O.; Decock, W.; De Grave, S.; de Voogd, N.J.; Domning, D.P.; Emig, C.C.; Erséus, Ch.; Eschmeyer, W.; Fauchald, K.; Fautin, D.G.; Feist, S.W.; Fransen, C.H.J.M.; Furuya, H.; García-Alvarez, O.; Gerken, S.; Gibson, D.; Gittenberger, A.; Gofas, S.; Gómez-Daglio, L.; Gordon, D.P.; Guiry, M.D.; Hernandez, F.; Hoeksema, B.W.; Hopcroft, R.R.; Jaume, D.; Kirk, P.; Koedam, N.; Koenemann, S.; Kolb, J.B.; Kristensen, R.M.; Kroh, A.; Lambert, G.; Lazarus, D.B.; Lemaitre, R.; Longshaw, M.; Lowry, J.; MacPherson, E.; Madin, L.P.; Mah, C.; Mapstone, G.; McLaughlin, P.A.; Mees, J.; Meland, K.; Messing, C.G.; Mills, C.E.; Molodtsova, T.N.; Mooi, R.; Neuhaus, B.; Ng, P.K.L.; Nielsen, C.; Norenburg, J.; Opresko, D.M.; Osawa, M.; Paulay, G.; Perrin, W.; Pilger, J.F.; Poore, G.C.B.; Pugh, Ph.R.; Read, G.B.; Reimer, J.D.; Rius, M.; Rocha, R.M.; Sáiz Salinas, J.I.; Scarabino, V.; Schierwater, B.; Schmidt-Rhaesa, A.; Schnabel, K.E.; Schotte, M.; Schuchert, P.; Schwabe, E.; Segers, H.; Self-Sullivan, C.; Shenkar, N.; Siegel, V.; Sterrer, W.; Stöhr, S.; Swalla, B.; Tasker, M.L.; Thuesen, E.V.; Timm, T.; Todaro, M.A.; Turon, X.; Tyler, S.; Uetz, P.; van der Land, J.; Vanhoorne, B.; van Ofwegen, L.P.; Van Soest, R.W.M.; Vanaverbeke, J.; Walker-Smith, G.K.; Walter, T.C.; Warren, A.; Williams, G.C.; Wilson, S.P.; Costello, M.J. (2012). The magnitude of global marine species diversity. Curr. Biol. 22(23): 2189-2202., meer
- Hoeksema, B.W.; van der Meij, S.E.T.; Fransen, C.H.J.M. (2012). The mushroom coral as a habitat. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 92(4): 647-663., meer
De Grave, S.; Pentcheff, N.D.; Ahyong, S.T.; Chan, T.-Y.; Crandall, K.A.; Dworschak, P.C.; Felder, D.L.; Feldmann, R.M.; Fransen, C.H.J.M.; Goulding, L.Y.D.; Lemaitre, R.; Low, M.E.Y.; Martin, J.W.; Ng, P.K.L.; Schweitzer, C.E.; Tan, S.H.; Tshudy, D.; Wetzer, R. (2009). A classification of living and fossil genera of decapod crustaceans. Raffles Bull. Zool. Supplement no.21: 1-109, meer
- Fransen, C.H.J.M. (2006). Pandalidae (Crustacea: Decapoda) of the Sonne, Valdivia and Meteor Expeditions 1977-1987 to the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. Senckenb. Marit. 36(1): 51-82, meer
- Ashelby, C.W.; Worsfold, T.M.; Fransen, C.H.J.M. (2004). First records of the oriental prawn Palaemon macrodactylus (Decapoda: Caridea), an alien species in European waters, with a revised key to British Palaemonidae. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 84(5): 1041-1050., meer
- Fransen, C.H.J.M. (2000). Pontonia manningi new species, a bivalve-associated shrimp from the tropical and subtropical Atlantic (Decapoda: Pontoniine). J. Crust. Biol. 20 Special No.2: 101-108, meer
Peer reviewed publicaties (7) [show] |
Kuijper, W.; Fransen, C. (2024). Eerste waarneming van de Japanse zeekomma Nippoleucon hinumensis in Nederland (Crustacea: Cumacea). Ned. Faunist. Meded. 62: 11-16, meer
De Grave, S.; Fransen, C.H.J.M. (2011). Carideorum Catalogus: the recent species of the dendrobranchiate, stenopodidean, procarididean and caridean shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda). Zoologische Mededelingen, 85(9). NCB Naturalis: Leiden. 195-588 pp., meer
Holthuis, L.B.; Fransen, C.H.J.M. (2004). Interesting records of whale epizoic crustaceans from the Dutch North Sea coast (Cirripedia, Amphipoda). Ned. Faunist. Meded. 21: 11-16, meer
Fransen, C.H.J.M. (2002). Taxonomy, phylogeny, historical biogeography, and historical ecology of the genus Pontonia Latreille (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea: Palaemonidae). Zoologische Verhandelingen, 336. Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum: Leiden. ISBN 90-73239-80-X. 433 pp., meer
Fransen, C.H.J.M. (1997). Crustacea Decapoda: Chelonika macrochela, a new genus and new species of pandalid shrimp (Caridea) from New Caledonian waters, in: Crosnier, A. (Ed.) Résultats des Campagnes MUSORSTOM 18. Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle. Série A, Zoologie, 176: pp. 177-185, meer
Fransen, C.H.J.M.; Holthuis, L.B.; Adema, J.P.H.M. (1997). Type-catalogue of the Decapod Crustacea in the collections of the Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, with appendices of pre-1900 collectors and material. Zool. Verh. 311(1): 1-344, meer
- Fransen, C.H.J.M. (1989). Notes on Caridean shrimps collected during the Snellius-II Expedition: I. Associates of Anthozoa. Neth. J. Sea Res. 23(2): 131-147, meer
Boeken (5) [show] |
- Alsemgeest, A.; Fransen, C. (2016). In krabbengang door kreeftenboeken: De Bibliotheca Carcinologica L.B. Holthuis. Naturalis Biodiversity Center: Leiden. ISBN 978-90-6519-013-0. 216 pp., meer
- Fransen, C.H.J.M.; de Grave, S.; Ng, P.K.L. (Ed.) (2010). Studies on Malacostraca: Lipke Bijdeley Holthuis memorial volume. Crustaceana. Monographs, 14. Brill: Leiden. ISBN 978-90-04-17429-0. 754 pp., meer
- Paula, J.; Flores, A.A.V.; Fransen, C.H.J.M. (Ed.) (2001). Advances in decapod crustacean research: Proceedings of the 7th colloquium Crustacea Decapoda Mediterranea, held at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, Portugal, 6-9 September 1999. Developments in Hydrobiology, 154. Springer Science+Business Media: Dordrecht. ISBN 978-90-481-5688-7; e-ISBN 978-94-017-0645-2. 305 pp., meer
- Smaldon, G.; Holthuis, L.B.; Fransen, C.H.J.M. (1993). Coastal shrimps and prawns: keys and notes for identification of the species. 2nd edition. Synopses of the British Fauna, N.S. 15. Field Studies Council: Shrewsbury. ISBN 1-85153-252-8. 142 pp., meer
- Fransen, C.H.J.M. (1991). Crustacea of the CANCAP and Mauritania expeditions. Nationaal Natuurhistorish Museum: Leiden. 200 pp., meer
Boekhoofdstukken (2) [show] |
- Fransen, C.H.J.M.; De Grave, S.; Ng, P.K.L. (2010). In memoriam Lipke Bijdeley Holthuis, in: Fransen, C.H.J.M. et al. (Ed.) Studies on Malacostraca: Lipke Bijdeley Holthuis memorial volume. Crustaceana. Monographs, 14: pp. 1-75, meer
- Fransen, C.H.J.M.; de Grave, S. (2009). Evolution and radiation of shrimp-like decapods: an overview, in: Martin, J.W. et al. (Ed.) Decapod crustacean phylogenetics. Crustacean Issues, 18: pp. 245-259, meer