Aalborg University; Department of Civil Engineering, meer
Functie: Assistent Professor
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Tel.: +45-(0)96-35 84 74
E-mail: ![](https://www.vliz.be/email.php?id=e27ff031a74fe651dd1671efbc532cf6)
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A1 publicaties (2) [show] |
Victor, L.; Troch, P.; Kofoed, J.P. (2011). On the effects of geometry control on the performance of overtopping wave energy converters. Energies (Basel) 4(10): 1574-1600. dx.doi.org/10.3390/en4101574, meer
- Beels, C.; Troch, P.; De Visch, K.; Kofoed, J.P.; De Backer, G. (2010). Application of the time-dependent mild-slope equations for the simulation of wake effects in the lee of a farm of Wave Dragon wave energy converters. Renew. Energy 35(8): 1644-1661. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2009.12.001, meer
Boeken (2) [show] |
- Margheritini, L.; Kofoed, J.P.; Stratigaki, V.; Troch, P. (2010). Estimation of wave conditions for SSG breakwater at Hanstholm location. Aalborg Universiteit - Institut for Byggery of Anlaeg: Aalborg. 78 pp., meer
- Kofoed, J.P.; Margheritini, L.; Stratigaki, V.; Troch, P. (2008). Estimation of wave conditions at Svåheia SSG pilot site. Aalborg University. Department of Civil Engineering: Aalborg. , meer
Boekhoofdstukken (3) [show] |
- Beels, C.; Troch, P.; De Visch, K.; De Backer, G.; De Rouck, J.; Kofoed, J.P. (2009). Numerical simulation of wake effects in the lee of a farm of Wave Dragon wave energy converters, in: Proceedings of the 8th European wave and tidal energy conference : EWTEC 2009. pp. 961-972, meer
- Margheritini, L.; Victor, L.; Kofoed, J.P.; Troch, P. (2009). Geometrical optimization for improved power capture of multi-level overtopping based wave energy converters, in: Chung, J.S. et al. The Proceedings of the 19th (2009) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Osaka, Japan, June 21-26, 2009. pp. 339-344, meer
- Victor, L.; Troch, P.; Kofoed, J.P. (2009). Prediction of the individual wave overtopping volumes of a wave energy converter using experimental testing and first numerical model results, in: Proceedings of the 8th European wave and tidal energy conference : EWTEC 2009. pp. 999-1008, meer
Rapport [show] |
- Frigaard, P.; Kofoed, J.P.; Schlütter, F.; Troch, P.; Versluys, T.; Van de Walle, B.; Willems, M. (1999). MAST III - The optimisation of crest level design of sloping coastal structures through prototype monitoring and modelling (OPTICREST) MAS3-CT97-0116: Bremen Workshop Run-up (Comparison between prototype measurements and laboratory measurements). WL | Delft Hydraulics: Delft. different pagination pp., meer