Expert of failure mechanism of coastal structures and dynamics of wave energy converters. Thesaurustermen: Afmeersystemen; Drijvende constructies; Fysische modellen; Golfbelasting; Golfrichting/Spreiding; Hydrodynamica; Kustverdedigingen; Morfodynamica; Nearshore hydrodynamics; Wave Energy Converter
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- University of Padova; Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering (ICEA), meer
Functie: Associate Professor
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- Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia; Consortium for Coordination of Research Activities concerning the Venice Lagoon System (CORILA), meer
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University of Bologna; Department of Civil, Environmental and Materials Engineering (DICAM), meer
Functie: Onderzoeker
- Coast View, meer
- Environmental Design of Low-Crested Structures, meer
- European Environmental Protocol for Dredging and Beach Nourishment: Share, define and apply Protocol ENV 1 to dredging and beach nourishment initiatives using relict sand and specific tasks for the study of turbidity levels, meer
- Innovative coastal technologies for safer European coasts in a changing climate, meer
- Management of sand deposits collected by coastal and river infrastructure. Recovery of sediment transport, meer
A1 publicaties (2) [show] |
- Mendoza, E.; Silva, R.; Zanuttigh, B.; Angelelli, E.; Andersen, T.L.; Martinelli, L.; Nørgaard, J.Q.H.; Ruol, P. (2014). Beach response to wave energy converter farms acting as coastal defence. Coast. Eng. 87: 97-111., meer
- Villatoro, M.; Silva, R.; Méndez, F.J.; Zanuttigh, B.; Pan, S.; Trifonova, E.; Losada, I.J.; Izaguirre, C.; Simmonds, D.; Reeve, D.E.; Mendoza, E.; Martinelli, L.; Formentin, S.M.; Galiatsatou, P.; Eftimova, P. (2014). An approach to assess flooding and erosion risk for open beaches in a changing climate. Coast. Eng. 87: 50-76., meer