prof. dr. ir. Devlieghere, Frank |
- Food2know, meer
- Pack4food, meer
- UGent Aquaculture R&D Consortium, meer
A1 publicaties (19) [show] |
- Ratnawati, S.E.; Kuuliala, L.; Verschuere, N.; Cnockaert, M.; Vandamme, P.; Devlieghere, F. (2024). The exploration of dominant spoilage bacteria in blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) stored under different modified atmospheres by MALDI-TOF MS in combination with 16S rRNA sequencing. Food Microbiol. 118: 104407., meer
Ratnawati, S.E.; Kuuliala, L.; Walgraeve, C.; Demeestere, K.; Ragaert, P.; Devlieghere, F. (2023). The effect of high oxygen modified atmospheres on the quality degradation of packed live blue mussels (Mytilus edulis). Lebensm.-Wiss. Technol. 177: 114537., meer
Guan, A.; Van Damme, I.; Devlieghere, F.; Gabriël, S. (2021). Effect of temperature, CO2 and O2 on motility and mobility of Anisakidae larvae. NPG Scientific Reports 11(1): 4279., meer
- Kuuliala, L.; Pérez-Fernández, R.; Tang, M.; Vanderroost, M.; De Baets, B.; Devlieghere, F. (2021). Probabilistic topic modelling in food spoilage analysis: a case study with Atlantic salmon (Salmo solar). Intern. J. Food Microbiol. 337: 108955., meer
Sader, M.; Pérez-Fernández, R.; Kuuliala, L.; Devlieghere, F.; De Baets, B. (2020). The constrained median: a way to incorporate side information in the assessment of food samples. Mathematics 8(3): 406., meer
- Kuuliala, L.; Sader, M.; Solimeo, A.; Pérez-Fernández, R.; Vanderroost, M.; De Baets, B.; De Meulenaer, B.; Ragaert, P.; Devlieghere, F. (2019). Spoilage evaluation of raw Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) stored under modified atmospheres by multivariate statistics and augmented ordinal regression. Intern. J. Food Microbiol. 303: 46-57., meer
- Hindle, F.; Kuuliala, L.; Mouelhi, M.; Cuisset, A.; Bray, C.; Vanwolleghem, M.; Devlieghere, F.; Mouret, G.; Bocquet, R. (2018). Monitoring of food spoilage by high resolution THz analysis. Analyst 143(22): 5536-5544., meer
- Kuuliala, L.; Al Hage, Y.; Ioannidis, A.-G.; Sader, M.; Kerckhof, F.-M.; Vanderroost, M.; Boon, N.; De Baets, B.; De Meulenaer, B.; Ragaert, P.; Devlieghere, F. (2018). Microbiological, chemical and sensory spoilage analysis of raw Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) stored under modified atmospheres. Food Microbiol. 70: 232-244., meer
- Kuuliala, L.; Abatih, E.; Ioannidis, A.-G.; Vanderroost, M.; De Meulenaer, B.; Ragaert, P.; Devlieghere, F. (2018). Multivariate statistical analysis for the identification of potential seafood spoilage indicators. Food Control 84: 49-60., meer
- Loan, H.; Devlieghere, F.; Van Hoeke, C.; De Meulenaer, B. (2015). 3-Chlorotyrosine formation in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) and European plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) fillets treated with sodium hypochlorite. Food Res. Int. 69: 164-169., meer
- Broekaert, K.; Noseda, B.; Heyndrickx, M.; Vlaemynck, G.; Devlieghere, F. (2013). Volatile compounds associated with Psychrobacter spp. and Pseudoalteromonas spp., the dominant microbiota of brown shrimp (Crangon crangon) during aerobic storage. Intern. J. Food Microbiol. 166(3): 487-493., meer
- Broekaert, K.; Heyndrickx, M.; Herman, L.; Devlieghere, F.; Vlaemynck, G. (2013). Molecular identification of the microbiota of peeled and unpeeled brown shrimp (Crangon crangon) during storage on ice and at 7.5 ° C. Food Microbiol. 36(2): 123-134., meer
- Noseda, B.; Goethals, J.; De Smedt, L.; Dewulf, J.; Samapundo, S.; Van Langenhove, H.; Devlieghere, F. (2012). Effect of O2 - CO2 enriched atmospheres on microbiological growth and volatile metabolite production in packaged cooked peeled gray shrimp (Crangon crangon). Intern. J. Food Microbiol. 160(1): 65-75., meer
- Broekaert, K.; Heyndrickx, M.; Herman, L.; Devlieghere, F.; Vlaemynck, G. (2011). Seafood quality analysis: molecular identification of dominant microbiota after ice storage on several general growth media. Food Microbiol. 28(6): 1162-1169., meer
- Vermeulen, A.; Devlieghere, F.; De Loy-Hendrickx, A.; Uyttendaele, M. (2011). Critical evaluation of the EU-technical guidance on shelf-life studies for L. monocytogenes on RTE-foods: a case study for smoked salmon. Intern. J. Food Microbiol. 145(1): 176-185., meer
- Noseda, B.; Ragaert, P.; Pauwels, D.; Anthierens, T.; Van Langenhove, H.; Dewulf, J.; Devlieghere, F. (2010). Validation of selective ion flow tube mass spectrometry for fast quantification of volatile bases produced on Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). J. Agric. Food Chem. 58(9): 5213-5219., meer
- Noseda, B.; Dewulf, J.; Goethals, J.; Ragaert, P.; Van Bree, I.; Pauwels, D.; Van Langenhove, H.; Devlieghere, F. (2010). Effect of food matrix and pH on the volatilization of bases (TVB) in packed North Atlantic Gray Shrimp (Crangon crangon): volatile bases in MAP fishery products. J. Agric. Food Chem. 58(22): 11864-11869., meer
- Uyttendaele, M.; Busschaert, P.; Valero, A.; Geeraerd, A.H.; Vermeulen, A.; Jacxsens, L.; Goh, K.K.; De Loy, A.; Van Impe, J.F.; Devlieghere, F. (2009). Prevalence and challenge tests of Listeria monocytogenes in Belgian produced and retailed mayonnaise-based deli-salads, cooked meat products and smoked fish between 2005 and 2007. Intern. J. Food Microbiol. 133(1-2): 94-104., meer
Debevere, J.; Devlieghere, F.; van Sprundel, P.; De Meulenaer, B. (2001). Influence of acetate and CO2 on the TMAO-reduction reaction by Shewanella baltica. Intern. J. Food Microbiol. 68(1-2): 115-123., meer
Peer reviewed publicatie [show] |
Vermeiren, L.; Devlieghere, F.; Debevere, J. (2002). Effectiveness of some recent antimicrobial packaging concepts. Food Addit. Contam. 19(Suppl.): 163-171, meer
Boek [show] |
- Devlieghere, F.; Uyttendaele, M.; Debevere, J. (2007). Laboratory for Food Microbiology and Food Preservation (LFMFP). University of Gent. Department of Food Safety and Food Quality: Gent. 1 file pp., meer
Boekhoofdstukken (4) [show] |
- Broekaert, K.; Heyndrickx, M.; Herman, L.; Devlieghere, F.; Vlaemynck, G. (2012). Molecular identification of the microbiota of peeled and unpeeled brown shrimp (Crangon crangon) during storage on ice and at 7.5°c, in: Broekaert, K. Molecular identification of the dominant microbiota and their spoilage potential of Crangon crangon and Raja sp. pp. 47-76, meer
- Broekaert, K.; Noseda, B.; Heyndrickx, M.; Vlaemynck, G.; Devlieghere, F. (2012). Volatile compounds associated with Psychrobacter spp. and Pseudoalteromonas spp., the dominant microbiota of brown shrimp (Crangon crangon) during aerobic storage, in: Broekaert, K. Molecular identification of the dominant microbiota and their spoilage potential of Crangon crangon and Raja sp. pp. 76-92, meer
- Broekaert, K.; Noseda, B.; Heyndrickx, M.; Vlaemynck, G.; Devlieghere, F. (2012). The spoilage microbiota of ray (Raja sp.) during ice storage under different conditions: Molecular identification and characterisation of the spoilage potential, in: Broekaert, K. Molecular identification of the dominant microbiota and their spoilage potential of Crangon crangon and Raja sp. pp. 93-118, meer
- Broekaert, K.; Heyndrickx, M.; Herman, L.; Devlieghere, F.; Vlaemynck, G. (2012). Seafood quality analysis: molecular identification of dominant microbiota after ice storage on several general growth media, in: Broekaert, K. Molecular identification of the dominant microbiota and their spoilage potential of Crangon crangon and Raja sp. pp. 29-47, meer
Abstracts (3) [show] |
Broekaert, K.; Heyndrickx, M.; Devlieghere, F.; Herman, L.; Vlaemynck, G. (2011). The microbiota of common shrimps (Crangon crangon) from catch to consumer, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Marine Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 25 February 2011: book of abstracts. pp. 17, meer
- Broekaert, K.; Heyndrickx, M.; Devlieghere, F.; Vlaemynck, G. (2010). Limitations of general growth media in fish analysis and research for SSOs, in: Exchange: open innovation for feed, food and health, where industry and academia meet. , meer
- Broekaert, K.; Heyndrickx, M.; Hoffman, S.; Devlieghere, F.; Herman, L.; Vlaemynck, G. (2008). Microbiological spoilage of cooked and peeled brown shrimp (Crangon crangon), in: Poli, B.M. et al. Seafood from catch and aquaculture for a sustainable supply: book of abstracts. pp. 103, meer
Rapporten (2) [show] |
- Devlieghere, F.; Debevere, J. (2007). Fish and fishery products. Universiteit Gent. Faculteit Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen: Gent. 86 pp., meer
- Devlieghere, F.; Debevere, J. (2007). Technologie van vis. Universiteit Gent. Faculteit Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen: Gent. 61 + 19 app. pp., meer
Thesis (co-)promotor (4) [show] |